Heisenberg 'Say My Name' (Clothing Outfit)

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I know...I REALLY need to put some clothes on my Heisenberg...tired of explaining why I have a naked Bryan Cranston figure in my shelves.
if you watch the behind the scenes, he occasionally gets naked for blooper shots...what a guy :D
I know...I REALLY need to put some clothes on my Heisenberg...tired of explaining why I have a naked Bryan Cranston figure in my shelves.


Or you can go with the supermarket scene 'till this project arrives in hand!
No updates yet. Will let Yunsil enjoy the Christmas and New Year celebrations before I start bugging the hell out of her. That ok with you guys? :lol
No updates yet. Will let Yunsil enjoy the Christmas and New Year celebrations before I start bugging the hell out of her. That ok with you guys? :lol

Absolutely not! You should be sending messages every 15 mins in fact you should be starting the next couple of messages before you've sent the first one ;).

I think Yunsil and her crew will kick up into top gear again after the new year the whole move coupled with the holidays must have been really stressful for her and her team. I imagine we'll start seeing movement around Feb with any luck. Although I base that statement on nothing but guess work lol
Move, shmove. She's obviously fookin' around and we should send a Jokey Smurf present to her house
In all seriousness she shouldn't have accepted payment if she was going to take this long. If she had waited to accept payment until she was ready I personally --knowing that Trev and Iminime are about to release a fullset Walt-- wouldn't have gone in on this. It's like I'm already buying an obsolete product. The quality better be top notch because the WIP I saw was not.
I'm kinda feeling the same way . I thought originally this was slated for December but now I'm wondering if it will be here by spring ? Is her culture even celebrating these holidays ?
In all seriousness she shouldn't have accepted payment if she was going to take this long. If she had waited to accept payment until she was ready I personally --knowing that Trev and Iminime are about to release a fullset Walt-- wouldn't have gone in on this. It's like I'm already buying an obsolete product. The quality better be top notch because the WIP I saw was not.

Going by all of her past tailoring work, i"m pretty sure this will be another top notch set, something I'm not sure Iminime could replicate. They will have the sculpt but, I don't think they can match the tailoring for their fullset price of what $450?, but with that said i'd loved to be proved wrong by Denny & Co.
Going by all of her past tailoring work, i"m pretty sure this will be another top notch set, something I'm not sure Iminime could replicate. They will have the sculpt but, I don't think they can match the tailoring for their fullset price of what $450?, but with that said i'd loved to be proved wrong by Denny & Co.

Everything i've seen in hand lately (fight club, kill bill, the GBU, and star trek figures) has had impeccable tailoring. Really high quality.
I'm kinda feeling the same way . I thought originally this was slated for December but now I'm wondering if it will be here by spring ? Is her culture even celebrating these holidays ?

Yunsil is Korean right? If so they have a large Christian population so yes they celebrate Christmas in Korea.
Everything i've seen in hand lately (fight club, kill bill, the GBU, and star trek figures) has had impeccable tailoring. Really high quality.

That's great to hear Omar, please tell us that you put a least one stitch in something, so it can say Tailoring by Whover/Wake :yess: