Heisenberg 'Say My Name' (Clothing Outfit)

Custom One-Sixth Figures Forum

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There's an old saying, Teddy. "No good deed goes unpunished." I've been wondering how to suggest that even though the comments are aimed at Yuncil (whose works I am GRATEFUL to buy), they are putting you in an awkward position.

So I say to all: Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and Rock On!
There's an old saying, Teddy. "No good deed goes unpunished." I've been wondering how to suggest that even though the comments are aimed at Yuncil (whose works I am GRATEFUL to buy), they are putting you in an awkward position.

So I say to all: Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and Rock On!

Trust me, NEVER AGAIN!

Merry Xmas to you as well :duff
I understand Aaron's desire to defend his position. But I'm not blaming you Aaron you've done nothing wrong. The fact is yunsil is the one that needs to be held accountable. Just like Denny is when there are delays. On two occasions I've seen Denny give points towards future purchases to make up for problems. He gave us unexpected metal accessories for the sheriff set when that was pushed back.

I've had my falling out with several custom artists in this board... Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one willing to call them out. The main reason I joined up with Denny was because I saw in him a willingness and a desire to give the customer what they want that I frankly don't see in ANYONE else. How many custom artists would go back FOUR times to change a sculpt (Tyler) or add new accessories after the fact (or payment for that matter).

Instead there are some custom artists that develop diva personalities because all they get is praise around here. Sure the skill they show merits the praise but when deadlines start to be ignored, quality drops and communication fails it's time we as collective customers stand up and say something.

This is a service industry. Don't let anyone else fool you or dupe you into thinking otherwise. Does anyone else think 4 months for a clothing set is acceptable?! It's slacks and a shirt and a jacket for godsakes. It's not even done yet. The proto hasn't been shown. How much longer?! A month? Two? Then shipping?! Yeah I regret paying for this. I'm not pussyfooting around it.
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There's an old saying, Teddy. "No good deed goes unpunished." I've been wondering how to suggest that even though the comments are aimed at Yuncil (whose works I am GRATEFUL to buy), they are putting you in an awkward position.

So I say to all: Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and Rock On!

Why is Aaron in a awkward position? Because of the freaks who paid?! NO. It yunsil putting him in the awkward position. Why doesn't anyone else see that?!

Let me ask a question... How many of us would cancel the Lastest Hot toys Mms if hot toys announced the same figure In a DX version BEFORE the first was even out?
Why is Aaron in a awkward position? Because of the freaks who paid?! NO. It yunsil putting him in the awkward position. Why doesn't anyone else see that?!

I see that ! You know the old saying " don't shoot the messenger" ?
Well the Freaks saying is " shoot the messenger first ,ask question later "
Im not looking for a refund , I'm just anxious to put some clothes on Walt . Its rather embarrassing when the TT is better endowed than you are.
Move, shmove. She's obviously fookin' around and we should send a Jokey Smurf present to her house

Some of you are unbelievable!

Just for the record, in case it wasn't clear.... I was just playing around :lol. I've learned great patience in this hobby. I can't think of one customizer here who didn't get backed up at least once and had the crowd waiting
I still believe the suit is the gold standard of 1/6 tailoring. Jactets, jeans, t-shirts are all relatively loose in fit. However suit tailoring must be tight to the body and sharp in its lines.

IDK, I see it differently. Fit should be a given in all high end 1/6 tailoring no matter what the garment is, and "fit' is relative. Whether it's a suit, something like Lenny's clothes or Alonzo's jacket that are oversized, or slim fitting jeans like Bickle's, the garment should always have the proper fit. There are several other attributes that differentiate a 1/6 piece of clothing between "high end" and "generic” aside from fit. Things like Bateman's raincoat, Bickle's jeans & Driver jacket, or Kato's Rick Levis jacket are more impressive to me than the best of the suits out there
Personally, I hate dolls in suits, generally a boring looking figure in a display. And if you've got a whole slew of them in a collection. :thud:
I appreciate the craftsmanship but not my cup of tea.
Personally, I hate dolls in suits, generally a boring looking figure in a display. And if you've got a whole slew of them in a collection. :thud:
I appreciate the craftsmanship but not my cup of tea.

Im saying having a few figures in Kato suits actually pop off the shelf amongst all the Guys in tights.
Just to clarify, I dig the suits too but I favor something with a little more flavor and detail like Daryl's biker vest and things along those lines
Im saying having a few figures in Kato suits actually pop off the shelf amongst all the Guys in tights.

Never seen that. A suit, unless it's Doctor Who #6's multi-colored madness, is usually a ho-hum, forgettable, ubiquitous costume. In that regard, it's why it works for Fight Club's Narrator or the Pulp boys, although those guys have battle damage and blood to spice up the suits and tell something more about their character. A suited Wayne or Stark or Draper or some such, while impressively made, will never really impress me as a display piece. There's nothing exciting or different or compelling there for me.
Never seen that. A suit, unless it's Doctor Who #6's multi-colored madness, is usually a ho-hum, forgettable, ubiquitous costume. In that regard, it's why it works for Fight Club's Narrator or the Pulp boys, although those guys have battle damage and blood to spice up the suits and tell something more about their character. A suited Wayne or Stark or Draper or some such, while impressively made, will never really impress me as a display piece.

Its a matter of taste I guess E. But I think a non collector might be drawn to the more realistic characters/clothing. I think maybe its just me :dunno but I'm a sucker for realistic 1:6 characters...over supeheros. I don't own any of them.
Each to their own of course, but I have to agree. If you like a character, and that character is in a suit (Don Draper) and that suit is very well made (Kato), then that is exactly what I want... To me it's about making a 1/6 scale of a real person/character as close to 100% as possible. If the suit is top quality, then it makes that figure top shelf like the other figures.
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Is this project still going forward?

I'd honestly be open to a refund... but that's just me.

I'm not on this list, but aren't there rules to paying and receiving items within a certain timeframe? Seems to me this thread has been paid for months, and people are still asking for updates? Is this due to Dennys announcement??