Heisenberg 'Say My Name' (Clothing Outfit)

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I would also take a refund at this point. The wait has killed my enthusiasm. Is a refund even possible? What's the latest from Yunsil?

I'm gonna have to jump on the train sadly...this is too long of a wait for a simple dress shirt, jacket, and pants set. No offense to Aaron, he's been the best since he offered his commission as a run for us folks, it's yunsil that is dropping the ball here. :(
I'm gonna have to jump on the train sadly...this is too long of a wait for a simple dress shirt, jacket, and pants set. No offense to Aaron, he's been the best since he offered his commission as a run for us folks, it's yunsil that is dropping the ball here. :(

Exactly. :goodpost
To me, I don't mind the wait and I appreciate what Aaron is doing and he did when he offered his commission to public! :)
A lot of us didn't mind to wait longer than this on other projects and didn't complain! I don't blame you, I'm in the same boat!

But when it comes to updates, it's the missing link here compared to other projects that I was referring to...
In my opinion good things take time to produce. Is anyone's life going to be different if they get their clothing for Walter in one more month vs 3? I'm totally fine waiting for whatever as long as I'm not disappointed in the end, sometimes people are too impatient around here. I understand money has changed hands but we are dealing with a very well known and reliable entity here.
In my opinion good things take time to produce. Is anyone's life going to be different if they get their clothing for Walter in one more month vs 3? I'm totally fine waiting for whatever as long as I'm not disappointed in the end, sometimes people are too impatient around here. I understand money has changed hands but we are dealing with a very well known and reliable entity here.

so by your logic it's ok to wait up to a year for a clothing set? I don't mind the wait but it's the lack of updates that kills it for me. If we get constant updates then it makes the wait less bearable, at least we know it's being worked on. How can we even be sure Yunsil started the project? :(
I understand Aaron's desire to defend his position. But I'm not blaming you Aaron you've done nothing wrong. The fact is yunsil is the one that needs to be held accountable. Just like Denny is when there are delays. On two occasions I've seen Denny give points towards future purchases to make up for problems. He gave us unexpected metal accessories for the sheriff set when that was pushed back.

I've had my falling out with several custom artists in this board... Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one willing to call them out. The main reason I joined up with Denny was because I saw in him a willingness and a desire to give the customer what they want that I frankly don't see in ANYONE else. How many custom artists would go back FOUR times to change a sculpt (Tyler) or add new accessories after the fact (or payment for that matter).

Instead there are some custom artists that develop diva personalities because all they get is praise around here. Sure the skill they show merits the praise but when deadlines start to be ignored, quality drops and communication fails it's time we as collective customers stand up and say something.

This is a service industry. Don't let anyone else fool you or dupe you into thinking otherwise. Does anyone else think 4 months for a clothing set is acceptable?! It's slacks and a shirt and a jacket for godsakes. It's not even done yet. The proto hasn't been shown. How much longer?! A month? Two? Then shipping?! Yeah I regret paying for this. I'm not pussyfooting around it.

Very well said! ...
This is a service industry. Don't let anyone else fool you or dupe you into thinking otherwise. Does anyone else think 4 months for a clothing set is acceptable?!
I think communication is absolutely key in these situations, but you yourself have argued that the nature of the 1/6 custom industry is that typical timelines you wouldn't accept from other industries don't apply (hence the problems you ran across with Paypal). You say 4 months for clothing is unacceptable, but 6-7 months for a full figure is? I don't see where you can easily draw that line. But I am sure Yunsil's issue is not related to complexity of the outfit, but rather her being overwhelmed/backlogged with other work, which applies to the Denny Kims and Betomatalis of the world, as well. I still don't think taking all that much money upfront is all that cool, but it's the nature of things, and something customers implicitly accept going in if they pay. But having said all that, if folks are waiting to hear about the status, then that's something the artist should be able to supply IMO, after money has changed hands.
I think communication is absolutely key in these situations, but you yourself have argued that the nature of the 1/6 industry is that typical timelines you wouldn't accept from other industries don't apply (hence the problems you ran across with Paypal). You say 4 months for clothing is unacceptable, but 6-7 months for a full figure is? I don't see where you can easily draw that line. But I am sure Yunsil's issue is not related to complexity of the outfit, but rather her being overwhelmed/backlogged with other work, which applies to the Denny Kims and Betomatalis of the world, as well. I still don't think taking all that much money upfront is all that cool, but it's the nature of things, and something customers implicitly accept going in if they pay. But having said all that, if folks are waiting to hear about the status, then that's something the artist should be able to supply IMO, after money has changed hands.

I do think 6 months is an acceptable amount of time for a full figure release. That's the industry standard even for major manufacturers like hot Toys. having to paint headsculpts and accessories, prepare bodies, AND make outfits.
Hell, Hot Toys (and Sideshow) often takes a lot longer than that between prototype reveal to release. Sometimes a year or so. I'm not aware of timeframes between reveal/pre-order and release for companies that do clothing sets alone. But of course, one of the big differences there is that those other guys usually only take a percentage deposit down upfront from customers, if anything.
I do think 6 months is an acceptable amount of time for a full figure release. That's the industry standard even for major manufacturers like hot Toys. having to paint headsculpts and accessories, prepare bodies, AND make outfits.

good point. and not just that, creatives / packaging, marketing, ensuring a long pre order window to break in and rake in profits for licenses and also other promotional expenditures. And lastly schedule management. Many a times the delays are also purposeful to ensure and do some sort of schedule playaround else you would have 10 figures in one month and a massive dry the other months and also your entire delivery network at the distribution level all choked up at one go.

anyways. i usually am patient with delays as it helps me plan stuff better but am sure all one needs to do is "regular updates" and adhere to commitments with marginal deviances (which are ok).

disclaimer:- not saying anything in reference to any figure, any artist or this specific clothing set. Its just a point of view.
In my opinion good things take time to produce. Is anyone's life going to be different if they get their clothing for Walter in one more month vs 3? I'm totally fine waiting for whatever as long as I'm not disappointed in the end, sometimes people are too impatient around here. I understand money has changed hands but we are dealing with a very well known and reliable entity here.

Nailed it! :lecture
Nailed it! :lecture

yup.. I think we pretty much already know whatever iminime ends up doing it won't be this exact outfit, and Yunsis work has literally never left anything to be desired and has always been a cut above everyone except maybe Kato, so with proper time I can't imagine this being any different.
What is "proper" time? 6 months? :lol Trevor is modding his Walt sculpt for this exact look. That's not the reason I want a refund either, this wait is unacceptable regardless of the outcome.
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In my opinion good things take time to produce. Is anyone's life going to be different if they get their clothing for Walter in one more month vs 3? I'm totally fine waiting for whatever as long as I'm not disappointed in the end, sometimes people are too impatient around here. I understand money has changed hands but we are dealing with a very well known and reliable entity here.

Nailed it! :lecture

yup.. I think we pretty much already know whatever iminime ends up doing it won't be this exact outfit, and Yunsis work has literally never left anything to be desired and has always been a cut above everyone except maybe Kato, so with proper time I can't imagine this being any different.

:exactly: :lecture

Iminime should by all means take on Walt but there are several other looks that could be tackled. I'm not sure if this outfit was on Iminime's mind but just based on the fact that this project was in the works first, Iminime should peruse one of the other looks
What is "proper" time? 6 months? :lol

True, it's been a while but it's not quite as long as some make it out to be. The thread was running for a bit before a look was decided and it's been only 3 1/2 months since the payment deadline. Only :lol. That's still long as I said but you can't judge this whole thing from the day the thread was started is all I'm sayin'
I haven't been following this thread that closely but did this "it's taking too long" talk all magically start when it was revealed Trevor was doing an Iminime Walt?