Heisenberg 'Say My Name' (Clothing Outfit)

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Yes you know me so well. I'll have you know I sold this set to someone else already. I did it for them and the rest of the paid members here.

I did come to you in the past. I messaged you directly instead of posting here.

Someone brought up the fact that the Travis shirt was given an update with a finished date this of this month.

Seeing that this thread was exploding the last time I was in here, I tried to help out. I posted her email, which is on her site, so that MAYBE someone else would get a faster response. Or if she saw that she got numerous emails about the same project that she would respond to Teddy quicker.

In the end, all I was trying to do was help before this thread got another **** storm of members pissed off about the lack of updates. Happened anyways. I apologized. I'm moving on.
At least we got an update out of my comment, that is all I was asking for. I think everyone needs to calm down, is it really THAT big of an issue that Shorty contacted Yunsil? OMG! Crucify him, and me for asking why another project is getting along fine when this one is not. He has done the unthinkable! :lol You guys are truly hysterical. Maybe posting the email wasn't very tasteful, but I don't see the harm done. :lol

This is your project Aaron, why did it take Shorty emailing her to get an update? If he didn't, how long would it have taken for you to send her an email and update us accordingly? Couple more weeks? I felt like two weeks was plenty of time to simply email someone and relay their response. That is why I bumped the thread. FYI, I did not email her, and if I did, it would have been respectfully done. I'm not trying to drag you through the mud at any stretch Aaron. I honestly appreciate you offering these up, as I am a big fan of Yunsil's work and BB so naturally I want to own this set. If Yunsil is facing difficulties, fine, I have no problem waiting if I'm kept in the loop. I wish her all the best overcoming any tribulations. Cheers to you both. :duff

My apologies for dragging your commission into this thread turbo, but when I saw that yours had been updated it genuinely made me wonder why this has not been updated. Again, I think we all need to calm down about this whole situation. :lol Doll clothes are some serious ****, huh? Bottom line, for me, these **** storms could have been avoided if Aaron would be more persistent about updates. Even if there are no updates. If you collect monies from 30 people, you must expect some of them won't be as patient as your circle of friends, right? No big deal guys, everyone, simmer down.

The proto looks aces! Very thankful for the pictures. :hi5:
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At least we got an update out of my comment, that is all I was asking for. I think everyone needs to calm down, is it really THAT big of an issue that Shorty contacted Yunsil? OMG! Crucify him, and me for asking why another project is getting along fine when this one is not. He has done the unthinkable! :lol You guys are truly hysterical. Maybe posting the email wasn't very tasteful, but I don't see the harm done. :lol This is your project Aaron, why did it take Shorty emailing her to get an update? If he didn't, how long would it have taken for you to send her an email and update us accordingly? Couple more weeks? I felt like two weeks was plenty of time to simply email someone and relay their response. That is why I bumped the thread. FYI, I did not email her, and if I did, it would have been respectfully done. I'm not trying to drag you through the mud at any stretch Aaron. I honestly appreciate you offering these up, as I am a big fan of Yunsil's work and BB so naturally I want to own this set. If Yunsil is facing difficulties, fine, I have no problem waiting if I'm kept in the loop. I wish her all the best overcoming any tribulations. Cheers to you both. :duff

My apologies for dragging your commission into this thread turbo, but when I saw that yours had been updated it genuinely made me wonder why this has not been updated. Again, I think we all need to calm down about this whole situation. :lol Doll clothes are some serious ****, huh? Bottom line, for me, these **** storms could have been avoided if Aaron would be more persistent about updates. Even if there are no updates. If you collect monies from 30 people, you must expect some of them won't be as patient as your circle of friends, right? No big deal guys, everyone, simmer down.

The proto looks aces! Very thankful for the pictures. :hi5:

Come on Man ! It's an Action Figure not a Doll !
It's funny how if your not a "big dog" in the custom world your not allowed to state your mind without being ganged up on. Bunch of Internet tough guys
The problem with Shortround contacting Yunsil is that it undermines Aaron in more ways than one. For shortround or anyone else to pretend that it doesn't , is either pretending to be naive or just is.
The problem with Shortround contacting Yunsil is that it undermines Aaron in more ways than one. For shortround or anyone else to pretend that it doesn't , is either pretending to be naive or just is.


I don't believe that anybody will have a job understanding that.
The problem with Shortround contacting Yunsil is that it undermines Aaron in more ways than one. For shortround or anyone else to pretend that it doesn't , is either pretending to be naive or just is.

I guess that validates a complete meltdown and to throw accusations at me, right? He did the same thing to you and Bullet when you guys asked for a simple update.

And I understand what you're saying and I apologized to Teddy via FB. I was just trying to help is all.

What a bunch of nerds.

Totally! :lol
Wait... so lemme get this straight.... Yunsil split ways with her main seamstress and the replacement is not "skilled"?!?!?
The revision looks like a big improvement from the first go at it but it's a bit tough to see. Teddy, can you ask for some closer or larger pics of each garment if that's not too much trouble?
As I have experienced the same delay, I can vouch for Aaron that the tailor for this team is indeed experiencing a lot of delays due to the amount of backlogs, move of office and she personally handling it all by herself.

So guys, don't panic just yet. :duff
When we say production factory ... Are we saying that all is not hand stitched by the artist themselves except the prototypes? Just trying to understand!
That has me wondering too. I was under the impression (as per several things said over time) that Yunsil has a small team. The proto was done in house and the team helps to knock out the run
that was always my understanding as well. I feel really in the dark though cause i didn't even realize till yesterday that she does all the tailoring for Rainman, Scott, and Sereng as well. the thought of production factory is certainly a little less pleasant than hand stitched by a small team, but I suppose if the results are still top knotch, I gotta support whatever process she has