Heisenberg 'Say My Name' (Clothing Outfit)

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I think it's because of the translating issue. From what I read, it seems like she changed some of her old staffs and the new staff isn't experienced enough to replicate her work.
She has a small team of people who helps her, it's not a factory but a small studio, she does the protos and her team does the rest, like I've said before, she also does clothing for 1/4 scale BJD dolls which is very popular in korea, it's their main gig by the way, so I understand why is she taking so long, she hasn't even gotten back to me for my Freddie Mercury project, which BTW is a tough jacket to make, so I am being delayed in favor of other simpler clothing T_T
She has a small team of people who helps her, it's not a factory but a small studio, she does the protos and her team does the rest, like I've said before, she also does clothing for 1/4 scale BJD dolls which is very popular in korea, it's their main gig by the way, so I understand why is she taking so long, she hasn't even gotten back to me for my Freddie Mercury project, which BTW is a tough jacket to make, so I am being delayed in favor of other simpler clothing T_T

Does she also make a one piece order?
I've often wondered if people care whether or not this custom stuff is made in a factory or not. I think our idea of a "factory" is not like what actually goes on in China, as all this stuff is literally made by hand. It's not like it's a robot sewing these clothes. I don't want to call out any projects, but I've long surmised that quite a few of these custom projects are made in a "factory". Sure it's of higher quality than what is "mass produced", which is still a highly subjective term. But it's not like these things are being made in someone's garage.
^^ i would agree and thats the reason it caught my attention. I have always felt that when people go crazy over an artist and the custom from that artist in specific, they pretty much expect that, the artist in consideration will make the very set they will get in hand. But if everyone's definition of custom is that a 30 piece set will have a proto and the rest will be made by other team members then in my view the artist is not really "making them" "by his or her" own hands. I am usually ok either ways as i am not too a**l and so long a piece is good i really dont care where it came form and if the piece is average i again really dont care if some famous artist made it or how limited it is. A good piece is a good piece and a bad piece is a bad piece. However i am sure what would sting is if collectors peg prices based on artists and the artist itself wont be doing the stuff. Again i am fine with that, not sure if many others are...

On a different note, that prototype there looks phenomenal and whoever makes it, and wherever it comes from, if it looks anything like that am sure it will be a rocker!
When something you do gets more attention and orders, you will need to hire people to help you, this is the case of Serang, Rainman and Yunsil, etc. True, not all clothings are going to be made by said clothing artist, but it's under their supervision and that's good enough for me. Sometimes you have to delegate your work when it gets out of hand or it'll be even more expensive, IMO.
Logistically, it would have seemed very unlikely that one person was making all of these, but this whole process has been shrouded in mystery to me and I never really knew for certain. Thanks for shining a bit of light on it, JOhnny.
Exactly. People think customs take a long time now. To do a run of some size would take a very long time. Even I hand off work to people and I just do accessories. Does anyone know a customizer who sculpts, paints, and tailors a single figure in quantity?

When something you do gets more attention and orders, you will need to hire people to help you, this is the case of Serang, Rainman and Yunsil, etc. True, not all clothings are going to be made by said clothing artist, but it's under their supervision and that's good enough for me. Sometimes you have to delegate your work when it gets out of hand or it'll be even more expensive, IMO.
I remember, I think Pixletwin saying that that was the only kind of person he considered a true custom artist, and I was really struggling to think of anyone who had actually done it all. I'm sure it has been done once or twice, but. . .
Exactly. People think customs take a long time now. To do a run of some size would take a very long time. Even I hand off work to people and I just do accessories. Does anyone know a customizer who sculpts, paints, and tailors a single figure in quantity?

I remember, I think Pixletwin saying that that was the only kind of person he considered a true custom artist, and I was really struggling to think of anyone who had actually done it all. I'm sure it has been done once or twice, but. . .

Beto & Lupita. Of course their runs are considerably smaller than RM, Iminime's, even Velvet's, but despite the small run from what I heard even Lu is training a pair of helping hands to knock out those small load

Edit: I believe Kato as well
Although Rainman doesn't do every last thing soup to nuts, he does do a hell of a lot on his own for each release. He's sculpting all heads & accessories and painting all accessories and the heads of the full sets. That's a big job per release

She has a small team of people who helps her, it's not a factory but a small studio, she does the protos and her team does the rest, like I've said before, she also does clothing for 1/4 scale BJD dolls which is very popular in korea, it's their main gig by the way, so I understand why is she taking so long, she hasn't even gotten back to me for my Freddie Mercury project, which BTW is a tough jacket to make, so I am being delayed in favor of other simpler clothing T_T

:exactly: The main artist is the creative force and the art director
Guys don't take for granted the art direction aspect of guys like serang and Rainman, it's not about not doing it yourself it's about having the vision to execute a product to your ideals, it's every bit as valuable as making it yourself. Trust me if they didn't know exactly what they wanted or could not do it themselves they would not be able to pull off the product they do, that's taking nothing away from the tailors.

In fact the same can be said of all art. Nothing is created in a vacuum , the greatest movements in art history were all a result of intense collaborations. Weather it was the artists hand completing the work or not the work itself was the complete product of collective thought.
WGAS if she sends it to a factory as long as it's the quality we expect and are paying for ! The protos seem to dictate that we are well on our way in the right direction !
i think no one really cares who makes these and all that is fine. But, For instance rm gives complete clarity on what head sculpts he paints and what aeon paints. For iminime there is complete clarity that (we dont know who will make "that specific head sculpt" we will get in hand) and we trust that it will meet the quality standards and go with it...

Now let's say - if the artist says that out of a 30 piece run he/she will make 15 by his her own hand and remaining 15 will have someone else he / she supervise do it and that the 15 he/she makes would be clearly specified who will get those. Now, would people feel differently about the other 15 and the price they are paying for it? For someone like me it wont matter, but am sure for some custom guys it would be a big deal and my rational is based on what i read as justification for the high prices for custom, that they have a high cost cause a certain artist made it by his or her own hand, hence limited run, hence rare and sometimes numbered and signed etc.

Rm can make 1000 figures if he has 30 painters and am sure he can find capable painters but he clearly specifies the work done by the man and the work done by aeon. And if he had 30 painters (hypothetically) then its really not custom work, its just a small scale production.

Bottom line its fine to have a team make it but... If the artist is not making all the runs himself / herself it should probably be made clear.

And just to be clear, i dont think anything wrong with a team working on these customs. For one i always assumed that is the case!

No hate guys i am just airing my pov. Once again to me ... All that matters is a good piece of art and i dont care who makes it and hence many a times if someone says ... Here is a piece on sale painted by x artist and a coat made by y tailor, it does not ring any bell to me unless i personally feel the figure, garment, or sculpt is awesome to begin with!
Looks great :D. She got this as extremily close to the colors as possible. Verrrry nice

Now.... who can we beg to make us this:
