Heisenberg 'Say My Name' (Clothing Outfit)

Custom One-Sixth Figures Forum

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I feel like asking for updates will get myself crucified here...so thanks phil for starting it, i'll just jump on the wagon. :hi5:
All outfits shipped to Aaron yesterday. He should have them in hand by the beginning of next week and will then start shipping em out.
:sleep:sleep:sleep.... *yaaawwnn*... man... I just had a dream that there was an update in here....

WHAT?!?! Somebody pinch me!!!
Aaron got word this morning he's been hit with customs fees. Not a problem won't be a large amount but does mean it likely won't be till Friday or even Monday before he has the package. Our customs department here in the UK like to slow things down when requesting money. So this time next week they should be in his hands and being prepped for sending out. Expect your shipping quotes around that time :)