Re: [IDM Customs] Uncharted Drake and Sully Finished!
When I finished my Drake and Sully figures, I wanted to do a base similar to what I did for my custom Punisher figure. Collecting statues and garage kits for so long, I've always loved how dynamic some bases can feel and how much it can add to the presentation of a character. So I set out to do some sort of Aztec or Mayan base for Drake.
Jen made the design of the base and logo in Adobe Illustrator in vector form and my friend Jeff Wilhelm from Dragon Forge Designs helped finish the design. The base was laser-engraved with a real wood base, then molded and casted in wax for further hand detailing and sculpting.
Here is how the base looks after we got the wood engraved piece back.
Jeff then molded and sculpted extra details onto the engraved piece and it looks absolutely phenomenal!
And here is the final casted piece. I'll be painting this up and will have some more pics of the final bases once done. I can't wait to get the figures on these!
Dragon Forge produces some of the most amazing gaming bases around. You can see Jeff's amazing work at his site here:
Jeff, if you're reading this, thank you!!! I couldn't have done it without you buddy!
I'm not sure if anyone wants these bases so I didn't plan on offering them. If anyone wants one, just let me know. I should have mine finished and painted pretty soon.
Both Drake and Sully should be finishing within the next few weeks and I'll keep everyone updated.