Imaresqd1 Latest 1/6 Heath Ledger Joker WIP - NOT FOR SALE

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Where are u getting all these pics void?

Does he have a facebook page?

Adam's sculpts are definitely my favourite. I wish he made a TDK batman head.
Well he doesn't have a page as such, it's his actual profile which u don't feel comfortable giving out. Nothing personal.

Perhaps Umair will. :duff
Hmm, I don't know about that. After getting the HT one in hand I see the likeness much better then when I was just looking at pics. So in combination with the texture and paintjob I think in the end the HT one gets my vote.
Adam's latest Bale WIP

Just when i thought i was happy with my hot toys one i see this!
Thanks a lot Adam! :p
Amazing as always.
Adam's 70% beats the crap out of ht and eb's 100%.


I have to agree. Though I would like to see proper shots of the EB one. All the teasers looked great, the reveal was a disappointment for me.
Looks amazing - but honestly surprised he's giving Bale another go - his first attempt was perfect to my eyes...:dunno