Imaresqd1 Latest 1/6 Heath Ledger Joker WIP - NOT FOR SALE

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That's the 1st time I've ever seen someone do that paint application correctly.he is bar none the best at sculpting and painting.maybe hot toys should take a lesson from adam,all those 0people who say dx2.0 is a perfect likeness should take a look at this.
That's the 1st time I've ever seen someone do that paint application correctly.he is bar none the best at sculpting and painting.maybe hot toys should take a lesson from adam,all those 0people who say dx2.0 is a perfect likeness should take a look at this.

Well Hot Toys did pretty much steal his laughing joker sculpt :lol

But yeah they need to improve on accuracy and attention to small details. Adam is still my favourite sculptor.
'An old sculpt I did last year, gave it a quick test paint-up with watercolor, it's getting there.'


Wow can't stop looking at this. Incredible! Can definitely say this is my favorite so far.
Can you imagine what a Joker by Trevor would look like, and painted by Nathan... don't think that will ever happen but one can always dream.
That is creepy how good it is and how closely he matched the paintwork to the make-up; even has that odd spot of grey under the left eye.

At first I thought it was a joke and someone just photshoppped in the comparison image :lol
In all honesty arnie kims bruce lees were good in that time,but compared to some of the work others are doing they surpassed them imo.every sculpt adam has done is spot on,he is the best in the business.I do not think there is a close second place.

Hey I am not saying your wrong but what other Bruce Lee sculpts by other artist are better than Arnie Kim handmade ones?

Thanks because JGL looks like Heath


Not really. People want them to look identically, but they dont. They just compare some good shots. They look similar but not that much as people pretend.
The sculpt looks more like JGL. Eyes expression and mouth have a more JGL lookg also the forehead. This being said its an incredible sculpt also for Ledger. Paradox but thats how it is. :peace
Not really. People want them to look identically, but they dont. They just compare some good shots. They look similar but not that much as people pretend.
The sculpt looks more like JGL. Eyes expression and mouth have a more JGL lookg also the forehead. This being said its an incredible sculpt also for Ledger. Paradox but thats how it is. :peace

What he said.