Imaresqd1 Latest 1/6 Heath Ledger Joker WIP - NOT FOR SALE

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Oh yeah, not on this sculpt. But on one of his other's that's finished?

Also. Demand him to do a run of these! :lol
Ah I see - yeah i'll ask him if he can share WIPs of his paintups - I think that's his plan anyway with this one, WIPs the whole way through, hopefully
Red x.....

edit: Maybe it's just me. Every photo in every thread seems to be a red x for me.
hey umair does adam take one custom commission? Not batman related. i'm trying to find someone to sculpt a figure for me in maybe 1/4 or 1/6 scale from another hobby of mine.
hey umair does adam take one custom commission? Not batman related. i'm trying to find someone to sculpt a figure for me in maybe 1/4 or 1/6 scale from another hobby of mine.

Well he said he's too busy right now for any more commissions, but you can always try to PM/message him
This sculpt is by far the best Heath Likeness I've seen :clap

Great to see someone sculpting Heath and then Joker-fying him instead of sculpting the Joker straight off.
he posted on another page. Umair if you have his contact could you forward my info to him. thanks