Imaresqd1 Latest 1/6 Heath Ledger Joker WIP - NOT FOR SALE

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It's so amazing. I bet it'll look even better painted.

If only Adam got back into the business. :(
I can't decide if I'd rather never see these images and not have the frustration of knowing they'll never be for sale, or just sit back and marvel at Adam's ability to clone people and reduce them to 1:6 scale...:thud::panic::monkey2

Bane looks perfect. :lecture
but were people recasting his heads? i dont think ive ever come across one of his recasted. but regardless i do hope he returns. seems such a shame to keep his talent locked up in a drawer. bane looks great.

With all these ReCasters out there , i highly doubt he'll come back .

It does look amazing
He's already explained that his 'retirement' is to do with the fact that he feels guilty for making money off unlicensed work. If he had the means to get the license for offering these, i'm sure he'd jump on it in a heartbeat.
He's already explained that his 'retirement' is to do with the fact that he feels guilty for making money off unlicensed work. If he had the means to get the license for offering these, i'm sure he'd jump on it in a heartbeat.

This I'll just never understand...knowing how much he charges for a cast of one of his Joker sculpts. Very contradictory.
That Heath Ledger is Amazing! The detail on the scar tissue is insane! I'd like to see some new stuff though. Different film characters!
He's already explained that his 'retirement' is to do with the fact that he feels guilty for making money off unlicensed work. If he had the means to get the license for offering these, i'm sure he'd jump on it in a heartbeat.

He and Kato and Elvis and some of the other creators on this board should get together and start a company. :lecture
I don't even want to see this stuff until he starts selling again. Get rid of the guilt, you're throwing away thousands.
It's his prerogative, though, and it's a position that I respect. That being said, I do kind of cringe at the thought that we reg'lar folk'll never see these things made available.:lol