Imaresqd1 Latest 1/6 Heath Ledger Joker WIP - NOT FOR SALE

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So Adam is making Ledger on a nautral expresion first, then he is going to completely change the expresion and add the scars and everything? What's the final expression he has on mind?

Is Adam planning on add some skin texture on his sculpt? The skin still looks flat to me, that's the only thing he needs to improve on my eyes..
Yeah he's going to change the expression while adding scars

There's a couple I know he's doing, one is from the mob scene the other from the interrogation

I don't think the texture is finished but if you look at the latest pic there is plenty of texture in there. For me HT sculpts have too much texture though so I wouldn't want to see much more than what's already on there
I think the perfect skin texture is somewhere in the between Hot Toys skin texture and Adam's skin texture
Yeah he's going to change the expression while adding scars

There's a couple I know he's doing, one is from the mob scene the other from the interrogation

I don't think the texture is finished but if you look at the latest pic there is plenty of texture in there. For me HT sculpts have too much texture though so I wouldn't want to see much more than what's already on there

Completely agree with that :)
i dont even know what to say regarding these sculpts... i just keep scouring the site hoping one goes up for sale.
is there some way we can send a message to HT about the state of DK joker? yulli does some really nice sculpts on other properties but when it comes to the joker, and the dark knight, she is kinda lagging. i mean, am i off my rocker in hoping this is a possibility? they did take kato after all.
i dont mean to be offensive, i know Adam does this for himself and i would not want to take that away from him as i understand how precious art can be to the one who makes it. i'm just venting a little.
really great work, again... as always, adam.
look forward to seeing where you take this one.
'Let's not stand on ceremony here... Mr. Wayne'

that Bane is sick. i agree with mrEcko. i am kind of disappointed with the HT batman sculpts. and i agree with void also: the HT ledger/jokers have way too much texture; they end up looking like the joker has leprosy.
looking forward to more pics of the BAne.
This Bane doesn't have Tom Hardy's likeness, his respirator covers him up.

So Adam you can release this to us. :monkey3
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After looking at it for 30 minutes, I came to the conclusion that I don't quite like it... I mean the fact that I can't have this in my collection, haha.

Adam should be making his own toy company. Seriously.