Imaresqd1 Latest 1/6 Heath Ledger Joker WIP - NOT FOR SALE

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Cheers man!

Yeh it's always been my bigget regret in this hobby that I parted with it. Can't wait to get it back. Big thanks to Blakus. :duff
'An old sculpt I did last year, gave it a quick test paint-up with watercolor, it's getting there.'

Make the bottom lip smaller and shave a smidge off that cheek bone. That's just searching for something though. He's got to stop somewhere. :lol
'An old sculpt I did last year, gave it a quick test paint-up with watercolor, it's getting there.'


Your seriously sculpted that? ..why on earth do you buy sculpts from Adam and Bobby?:dunno that is miles better then any of theres!
Guess you guys missed the quotations he used and Adams screen name on the pics. :lol