Mad max by Sean dabbs. acsserioes wip on pg 72

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Re: Mad max by Sean dabbs. outfit payment due,legbrace wip,pg31,new head sculpt wip p

Definitely picking up that damaged version if/when it comes out. Fantastic work so far Sean.
Re: Mad max by Sean dabbs. outfit payment due,legbrace wip,pg31,new head sculpt wip p

cheers guys, keep the crits coming - I think we can still do some refining :) I will probably do a deal for those who choose to pick up both heads
Re: Mad max by Sean dabbs. outfit payment due,legbrace wip,pg31,new head sculpt wip p

cheers guys, keep the crits coming - I think we can still do some refining :) I will probably do a deal for those who choose to pick up both heads

yeahhhhhhhhhhhh, I am interested in the two of them!!!!

By the way, its is always best to check real pics but we can see other sculpts, take note of their sucesses and fails.From this ones i like the nose tip and the battle damaged eye more closed. urs is gonna be better!! :clap



Re: Mad max by Sean dabbs. outfit payment due,legbrace wip,pg31,new head sculpt wip p

Any chance of among the extras having gloved hands like the ones in the film?
Re: Mad max by Sean dabbs. outfit payment due,legbrace wip,pg31,new head sculpt wip p

as long as people are buying I don't mind doing them

I am still unsure as to how many will be getting the resin parts weapons so I don't know if that will have enough people
Re: Mad max by Sean dabbs. outfit payment due,legbrace wip,pg31,new head sculpt wip p

and thanks for the kind words Kam - I thought the S Peterrson really rocked and was a tough one to match
Re: Mad max by Sean dabbs. outfit payment due,legbrace wip,pg31,new head sculpt wip p

I think we're at at least 10 people needing weapons I will send out another pm and see. Really need these parts to complete this
Re: Mad max by Sean dabbs. outfit payment due,legbrace wip,pg31,new head sculpt wip p

I used a modded iminime Riggs on mine for now. Really need this new one from Sean!

Re: Mad max by Sean dabbs. outfit payment due,legbrace wip,pg31,new head sculpt wip p

ha! awesome work mate, I see you made quite a lot of mods to do that
Re: Mad max by Sean dabbs. outfit payment due,legbrace wip,pg31,new head sculpt wip p

Ok fellas here's the deal those of u who have showed new interest in Sean's sculpt I will pm I with deposit info, so I will need to send deposit in asap or u will not get a sculpt. Sorry it needs to be this way but it's to protect the people that have already paid.

Thanks Luis
Re: Mad max by Sean dabbs. outfit payment due,legbrace wip,pg31,new head sculpt wip p

Thats like showing sweets in the entrance of a school and not giving them to the kids!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol
Re: Mad max by Sean dabbs. outfit payment due,legbrace wip,pg31,new head sculpt wip p

Saw on Facebook; so sad can't get these :(
Of course they're fuggin dope as always. Great work by Jon again :)
Re: Mad max by Sean dabbs. outfit payment due,legbrace wip,pg31,new head sculpt wip p

Saw on Facebook; so sad can't get these :(
Thats like showing sweets in the entrance of a school and not giving them to the kids!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol
I am sorry, but can't get these...really I am! To make 1 or 2 of these it would not be worth his time. Prototype...that is many hours over the budget of most SSFers. That is why I told Jon don't make these and passed it on to Luis. Luis said he found somebody. I don't know who it is, but I am sure he found the right person to do these and they should turn out fabulous!
As it was, I had to get permission from the guy who ordered these to put them up on Jon's facebook.
Re: Mad max by Sean dabbs. outfit payment due,legbrace wip,pg31,new head sculpt wip p

Only reason I said not to is because some didn't want to pay the high price tag on these that's the feeling I was getting through private pms. So if their offered and people want to pay it Id say so for it but I know the price tag is going to be pretty high.

Thanks Luis
Re: Mad max by Sean dabbs. outfit payment due,legbrace wip,pg31,new head sculpt wip p

Here is some more updates on the dog.
I think we got some really nice detail on the head and face.
The head will go on with a neo magnet system and you
will be able to rotate it clockwise or counter clockwise.
The seam will be covered by the red scarf.

She's still got some more detail to do on the legs and other spots,
but here's a few pictures she sent me. Hope you like it so far.
And of course all comments are welcome.




Re: Mad max by Sean dabbs. outfit payment due,legbrace wip,pg31,new head sculpt wip p

Looking good so far bro I like it.
Re: Mad max by Sean dabbs. outfit payment due,legbrace wip,pg31,new head sculpt wip p

IKE-CON, Now we are talking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :wink1: Nice job on the doggy, now I see it.


Re: Mad max by Sean dabbs. outfit payment due,legbrace wip,pg31,new head sculpt wip p

The scarf would cover the seams like this. Of course it's real cloth.
But you get the picture...:)

The neck is being thinned down a bit like this or else it would be a little to big for the body.


Still a bit more detail has to go into the dog as a whole, but were getting closer.
The is the final tail position we decided to go with. Note the tail has no detail yet.
Just there for positioning. What do you think of the stance?