Rocco DREDD 3D (Dredd and Anderson Head Sculpts)

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Re: Dredd 2012 Judge Dredd and Judge Anderson HS

For future reference, you guys can just sell me TT heads for $1 a piece, I'll pay shipping. :lol

I've sold 4 on eBay... :dunno
Re: Dredd 2012 Judge Dredd and Judge Anderson HS

I hope whoever sculpted those heads does not end up hearing about this by some odd chance lol. I could imagine the tears streaming down their face ;_;
For future reference, you guys can just sell me TT heads for $1 a piece, I'll pay shipping. :lol

I've sold 4 on eBay... :dunno

You just want them for the brains.

Sent from my little pocket-machine using Tapatalk
Re: Dredd 2012 Judge Dredd and Judge Anderson HS

Please add me to the list for a Dredd - prefer neckless as well.

I would be happy with any expression but I must admit I do like the subtle look atm (from the picture posted).

Re: Dredd 2012 Judge Dredd and Judge Anderson HS

Please add me to the list for a Dredd - prefer neckless as well.

I would be happy with any expression but I must admit I do like the subtle look atm (from the picture posted).


Alright I've got you added and it looks like at least for now the subtle frown is the route we are going to go. I will definitely request neckless for the sculpt too for those who were curious about that. So for now we are looking at a Dredd that:

- Is neckless
- Is designed so that the helmet is separate and has a sculpted visor
- Is designed so that the face underneath is properly sculpted from the nose down only
- Has a subtle frown as his expression

Sounds about right.
Re: Dredd 2012 Judge Dredd and Judge Anderson HS

The thread hasn't been around for long yet things are already looking quite nice. Assuming those on the list keep their interest we are looking at a down payment of only twenty dollars per person for Dredd (so twenty before the sculpt and twenty after). Anderson is about twice as much for now but I think there are still going to be some more people interested in the characters that will pop up within the next week or so.

So the voting process is still out there, but I am going along the lines that people are going to want the subtle frown over the big scowl. With that in mind we could use some reference pictures of choice for that expression. I believe these two would be the best ones:



I'd say they are roughly the same expression, just two different angles. It also provides different lighting too. I want to give Rocco as much to work with as possible. Anyone have pictures of the back of Dredd's helmet/pictures of the design of his helmet with a 360 view? Preferably just the helmet alone. It would probably help him figure out how to sculpt it especially since the current idea is to sculpt the head and helmet separately.

I believe Anderson's expression should be this


It still shows a sense of her timidness and hesitance, but also shows the more determined "You look ready" mindset she has later on. It also fits the Dredd sculpt well so I think it's the one to go for. Only problem is that this picture has very dark lighting and it might be hard to sculpt her expression accurately so if anyone has any other pictures with a similar expression I would appreciate it.

And just as another thing to point out I personally think the angles of her eyes should remain that way too. In my opinion giving females the blank stare straight forward always reduces the realism to them, but I know some people can't stand having figures looking toward a direction so I thought I would ask you guys what you think about that too. Of course it doesn't matter with Dredd since you can't see his eyes.
On my phone so quick reply, like the first pic for Dredd.

As for Anderson I think your choice is good, although if the eyes are looking a certain direction that limits the poses.

Sent from my little pocket-machine using Tapatalk
Re: Dredd 2012 Judge Dredd and Judge Anderson HS

Well do unpainted sculpt eyes have any details on them? We might all be able to get her eyes however we want them to be depending on how it is done.
Well do unpainted sculpt eyes have any details on them? We might all be able to get her eyes however we want them to be depending on how it is done.

No details, but hair and head tilts all affect it.

Plus if we enlist a painter they will probably want uniformity.

Sent from my little pocket-machine using Tapatalk
Re: Dredd 2012 Judge Dredd and Judge Anderson HS

I just want to make sure with everyone that this is alright, but I will update the initial post as well.

So for Dredd's headsculpt, would everyone be fine with this scowl as the expression?


The other option would probably be a more neutral face, but I figured the scowl would be the more iconic and desired look. Please go ahead and let me know. The other option would be this:


It's a bit more subtle though still a frown obviously. Personally my vote goes to the big scowl, but I think it's fair to give everyone a chance to chime in. We could even go for having him show teeth in his frown, something he did more often in the second half of the film. Again I am curious what you guys think.

Also in regards to Anderson it makes sense to me to not include the helmet at all, as she chose not to wear it (due to psychic powers) and she only wore it for a very brief period of time anyway. Would that be alright with you guys? The flip side would be having to sculpt the helmet in a way such that it fit on top of the head without damaging it or leaving marks. Seems like a big issue to me and I imagine those who really want it could probably start up another interest thread down the road asking for a new Anderson sculpt.

We also need an expression for Anderson as I will need to send reference pictures. For the most part she held a sort of puzzled slightly focused look so to me that would be the most accurate.

What do you guys think?

My personal vote would be for a more subtle frown. as for anderson i wouldnt mind a sculpt of her focusing when she is using her powers. Gotta try and find more reference though
Re: Dredd 2012 Judge Dredd and Judge Anderson HS

Good call on looking for her expression when focusing on doing her powers. Too bad it isn't out on Blu Ray as then it would be easier to get the references.

No details, but hair and head tilts all affect it.

Plus if we enlist a painter they will probably want uniformity.

Sent from my little pocket-machine using Tapatalk

Do you have any ideas on a good painter many of us could use? Personally I am kind of hoping to be able to get the same painter do my head sculpts and the kits Crimsonbob is making plus whatever ever else we manage to get done by then.