[sdabbs] MGS: Liquid Snake (CLOSED)

Custom One-Sixth Figures Forum

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Frank Jaeger

Super Freak
Feb 7, 2013
Reaction score

  • Head sculpt by sdabbs
  • Painting by Peteskywalker
  • Clothing set by Rise Collectibles
  • Tattoos by Hunterdnrc



Liquid Snake head sculpt based on The Twin Snakes render.




Clothing set made by Rise Collectibles, compromises of an accurate MGS1 Foxhound jacket and cargo pants.

Fitted to a TTM-19 size body. It will fit other bodies of similar size.

Clothing Prices:

Full Set (Jacket + Cargo Pants)
  • $150.00 (gift) or $156 (as goods - includes fees) + shipping
MGS1 Foxhound Jacket Only
  • $120.00 (gift) or $125.00 (as goods - includes fees) + shipping
Accurate Cargo Pants Only
  • $40.00 (gift) or $42.00 (as goods - includes fees) + shipping

Please send $50.00 (gift) or $52 (goods) to:
[email protected]

Please include:
Real name
SSF username
Shipping Address
Items you are buying




$5.00 for 2 individual tattoos only.

***Tattoos to be applied by the buyer.***

liquid tattoos.jpg



01. WellCQCaboutthat - Paid / PAINTED
02. Ryan Pliskin - Paid / UNPAINTED
03. Snake Plissken - Paid / PAINTED
04. Solidus - Paid / PAINTED
05. Mace Gravers - Paid / PAINTED
06. Brandoloneous - Paid / PAINTED
07. mosyacollectibles - Paid / UNPAINTED
08. Dylan - Paid / UNPAINTED
09. Maisto - Paid / UNPAINTED
10. bruin1773 - Paid / PAINTED
11. Fonky - Paid / UNPAINTED
12. Alex Sosias - Paid / UNPAINTED
13. Alex Sosias - Paid / UNPAINTED
14. J3D1_KN1GHT - Paid / PAINTED
15. Higgins1989 - Paid / PAINTED
16. Stealthfox - Paid / PAINTED


CLOTHING SET LIST - $150.00 ($120.00 Jacket / $40.00 Pants)

01. Frank Jaeger / Full Set - PAID + SHIPPING
02. WellCQCaboutthat / Full Set - PAID + SHIPPING
03. Gallo Negro / Full Set - PAID + SHIPPING
04. Snake Plissken / Full Set - PAID + SHIPPING
05. Solidus / Full Set - PAID + SHIPPING
06. Mace Gravers / Full Set - PAID + SHIPPING
07. Brandoloneous / Full Set - PAID + SHIPPING
08. Maisto / Full Set - PAID + SHIPPING
09. bruin1773 / Full Set - PAID + SHIPPING
10. Fonky / Full Set - PAID + SHIPPING
11. Alex Sosias / Full Set - PAID + SHIPPING
12. Alex Sosias / Full Set - PAID + SHIPPING
13. Higgins1989 / Full Set - PAID + SHIPPING
14. Stealthfox / Full Set - PAID + SHIPPING
15. Caleb Allenson / Full Set - PAID + SHIPPING

01. Frank Jaeger / Jacket Only - PAID + SHIPPING
02. Ryan Pliskin / Jacket Only - PAID + SHIPPING
03. mosyacollectibles / Jacket Only - PAID + SHIPPING
04. Maisto / Jacket Only - PAID + SHIPPING
05. J3D1_KN1GHT / Jacket Only - PAID

01. Dylan / Pants Only - PAID



01. Solidus - Paid
02. WellCQCaboutthat - Paid
03. Ryan Pliskin - Paid
04. Snake Plisskin - Paid
05. Brandoloneous - Paid
06. Dylan - Paid
07. Maisto - Paid
08. Alex Sosias - Paid
09. J3D1_KN1GHT - Paid
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Re: MGS1: Liquid Snake [SDabbs/Tinela]

If everyone interested can send the deposits over and then post when sent, then i can update the list.

The list will only be updated once deposits are confirmed to be received - For the clothing, please let me know if it's the jacket and pants or just either or.

*Turn around should be fairly quick on this. The head is ready to go to go to the printers, so once numbers are confirmed for the head it will go off to print ASAP and then molding and casting. we are using someone new to aid in turnaround time so I'm hoping a month or so.

Tinela said the clothing sets can be started early May so will confirm exactly when.

If i can get all DEPOSITS in for the first week of May then i can update on the timeline.
Re: MGS1: Liquid Snake [SDabbs/Tinela]

In for everything minus the pants.

Please quote me on the total deposit since I cannot send PayPal gifts.
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MGS1: Liquid Snake [SDabbs/Tinela]

Nah they aren't leather, the military ones are usually heavy cotton or similar but this is waterproofed

Ryan just add $1 on the head deposit
Re: MGS1: Liquid Snake [SDabbs/Tinela]

i just put down both deposits man, theres no info for the stickers. please update the thread with more info on payment for that, thanks!!!
Re: MGS1: Liquid Snake [SDabbs/Tinela]

It's miniscule so don't sweat it, I'll add it onto the balance payment at the end :)

So just send $16 deposit to Sean for the head, $10 deposit to me for the clothing set and your good

What about deposits for the coat?
Re: MGS1: Liquid Snake [SDabbs/Tinela]

Count me in for the head sculpt painted please :), won't be able to pay anything until Monday (payday) though but definitely count me in
Re: MGS1: Liquid Snake [SDabbs/Tinela]

No worries man, as i said I'll update the list but will let Sean know yours will be coming next week!

Count me in for the head sculpt painted please :), won't be able to pay anything until Monday (payday) though but definitely count me in
Re: MGS1: Liquid Snake [SDabbs/Tinela]

Ok sweet

I got bruin and Gallo Negro too when they ready