Slp bishop
Re: Shaun Of The Dead Project Sculpted by Chu
Wow Pete that turned out great:clap I really need to get one if these
Wow Pete that turned out great:clap I really need to get one if these
Wow Pete that turned out great:clap I really need to get one if these
Looks great! what did you use for pants and for shoes?
Looks phenomenal Pete really great job! Managed to pick up a pair of those pants on eBay this morning lucky I did there don't seem to be anymore up. Will get final payment for the paint work across this weekend
Whats the time scale for shipping the shirts out pete?
Thanks man and good find there I bought them a year ago and they were hard (and pricey) to find at that point.
Here are the boots for anyone that needs them btw
Im still waiting for them to arrive so as soon as I get them in I will post them out
Thanks man and good find there I bought them a year ago and they were hard (and pricey) to find at that point.
Here are the boots for anyone that needs them btw
Link for the shoes fixed :hi5:
Can I still get a head?
So what's the latest on the shirts and the heads? Doth D-Day approach, perchance?