Shinkawa Solid Snake from Metal Gear Solid 1 by Amnur Interest Thread

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Very curious as I see parts everywhere in your pics do you build a figure snap some pics then take it apart use the same body for everything ?

Also amnur will you be doing another run?

No once the fig is build I never take it apart, why?
I have tons of bodies and parts :)
Very curious as I see parts everywhere in your pics do you build a figure snap some pics then take it apart use the same body for everything ?

Also amnur will you be doing another run?

Yeah, have to fix this issue with the mold and resin.
Will ship for who gets this issue.
This weekend I'll start working on it.
A year in the making.
Longest wip figure.
Finally happy with my Solid Snake.

The deformation is less noticable once painted.
What is bothering me is that his right eye isn't aligned with the left.
He is a bit higher.


That's awesome Elvis, how did you do the bandana if you don't mind? The paint is exceptional as well, I wish I could get something that nice done. It's starting to look like I need to buy an air brush, lol. Right now the hardest thing for me is tracking done the grey outfit and the extra stuff, since Tony is (hopefully still) working on the more complex pieces.
Very nice painting. I can see now what you talking about.
Im working on another one, to send to you guys.
The bandada is a piece of cloth wrapped in a wire.

BTW I'm not using airbrush, just a brush ;-)

thanks bro.

Awesome, thanks. I'll give that a go and hopefully get a similarly cool look.

Wow! You do exceptional work. I always thought an air brush was the way to go, but perhaps I need to do some more research. I went to school for visual arts, but painting on canvas vs a sculpt is entirely different. I appreciate the insight. :)

I overlooked the stand at first, that's first rate. I love it.

Very nice painting. I can see now what you talkinh about.
Im working on another one, to send to you guys.

Thanks Amnur, that's really great of you. I can't thank you enough. I look forward to your MSG2 sculpt as well.
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That Solid Snake is really exceptional Elvis, you've definitely set the benchmark for MGS figures.
just to know, I'm working on a ver.2

Amnur, do you mean a second version of this sculpt, the MGS1 version, or ver. 2 as in MGS2 Snake?

I really like the site you've set up, the Halo Reach custom and the Play Arts Kai Solid Snake head are excellent as per usual. Beautiful work.

Sweet! I can't wait to see what you do. Though I think it's hard to improve on your first MGS1 Solid Snake sculpt. I don't want to annoy you with my comments.... but if you are taking any thing into consideration I had a couple thoughts. I was thinking perhaps a bit thinner in the face, if viewed from the front, and the hair slightly more fanned out? Like this:


Though perhaps not that extreme. I think his Codec depiction is pretty a good reference.

Thats the modifications that I'm doing
Sculpting and listening this girl: [ame][/ame]
Thats the modifications that I'm doing
Sculpting and listening this girl:

Great minds think alike! :1-1:

Great choice of music as well, thanks for the link. I think I'll enjoy that as well. I'm taking a break from RE: Remake. :D

Oh, I also find the MGS2 Codec image really cool as well. I think of MGS2 Snake as a bit more worn looking, I love how Shinkawa's artwork gave that impression.

hey Amnur, ive never dealt with you before. very nice work! i was wondering how much the PAK snake head was goin for. also are you going to paint them? thanks.
Hey man.
Its about U$25. Thats why people combine shipping. There will be another run for it, you can ask rogster about it.
i dont mind 25. are you saying i have to do it that way cause itll be cheaper? i dont care. id gladly pay you for it directly. thanks!

Oki doki! This shipping method is traceable and has insurance.
People, in the most, ship all to one guy (rogster) and he ship to each one of them.
I just finished the face sculpt/bandana of the V2 Solid Snake. Just need to make the hair.
Have to finish the Play arts version as well.
I can't wait Amnur, sounds like another winner. This V2 has me thinking about how cool a bandana-less version would be, or a long haired version (like Metal Gear Acid). MGS is such an untapped property.