Shinkawa Solid Snake from Metal Gear Solid 1 by Amnur Interest Thread

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Wow, this is looking great. I can definitely see Snake in the sculpt. Great job
wow!!! really amazing work! that's the best solid snake sculpt i have seen! many congrats Amnur!
Nice looking sculpt, Amnur! :)
I'm not a fan of it so here's some weak critique:

1. Too square shaped head
2. Too small eyes (srsly what the point in such a barely noticeable eyes, lol)



don't forget to click on pics

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Tho headband, hairs and ears looks almost perfect.

Can't feel the expression... I know that there's alot of ppl liking Dredd looking Snakes, but... *sigh*
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Nice looking sculpt, Amnur! :)
I'm not a fan of it so here's some weak critique:

1. Too square shaped head
2. Too small eyes (srsly what the point in such a barely noticeable eyes, lol)



don't forget to click on pics

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Tho headband, hairs and ears looks almost perfect.

Can't feel the expression... I know that there's alot of ppl liking Dredd looking Snakes, but... *sigh*

Great post I agree on all points .
OK, I'll try to change his head shape.
Well this is closest of his expression that I could get. I'm sorry if I couldn't get the perfection.
Thanks for you all kind comments!
Amnur, great work.

1) Don't change the expression. It is great as is, and I have rarely seen a picture of Snake where he doesn't have a scowl on his face.

2) The head shape can be thinned out as shown above, but not at the expense of the size/proportion to body. As I stated in post 1 when this project was started, this is meant to represent Snake from the artwork. This isn't a "real-world" Snake, this isn't an actor dressed up as Snake, this is a stylized manga-like version of him as seen in the artwork.

Honestly though, if you leave it as is, then I think it's fine. I'd hate to see modifications to start being made, and mess up the fine work you've already done. The detailing, expression and size is great.
Thanks Jack.
The eyes aren't small. It's the bandana that's hiding his look. But if you guys want to raise up the bandana, thats fine I can do that.
Amnur the eyes are fine no need to raise anything. You nailed his look.
Ok I'll try to re-shape his face. But be awared that isnt an easy task.
Hey guys, I talked to Amnur, and I can do the groupship thing for everyone once again. I did it for Nathan Drake and Guts so there hasn't been any problems.
Ok Rogster, I offered to do it, but why mess with success. Thanks.