Clothing set <Shipping Out Orders> - [ToriBox] Han Solo ESB Outfit 2nd Run

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This is going to be one of those sets that people kick their own ass over missing very very soon.

Willing to bet this year or next hotntoys will show their own and people will be like shit I should have gotten that. Look at Jedi luke and how sought after that outfit was.

With the Robbie rig there is no question a set like this is toys grail status.

I think people are afraid to dabble in the custom market for Star Wars because of its over saturation and they know it’s coming from hot toys sooner or later but what they don’t take into account is that the hot toys offerings are rarely at their top level. They always are mediocre and then you get these custom runs at a whole other level. People will be kicking themselves later.

Which is ironic because this run is STILL open and there are so many on the fencers and they have a chance not to let history repeat itself.
well open in the sense that hydeous and I still have a couple extra outfits at cost and Robbie is still open his window for the accessories.

3 months to 6 months from now when these are in hand I will definitely be up charging my second set personally with no qualms about it.
Thank you to those that have sent deposits. I have to close this soon so I can order parts. If you are interested but need more time, please contact me. If not, you may miss out or be subject to a higher price later.


Got my deposit in!
Will those thar sent deposits be updated on the first page as well?

Sweet jeebus I'm happy I decided to get on this run. I was one of those on the fencers because, as mentioned, HT will eventually get around to him, but it won't be on this level!

Hope Inigo puts his Empire Han up for order soon too.
I wish I could afford this but I think I have too much going on right now as it is. I will be kicking myself for sure. If y’all can pull the trigger on this, do it guys. Look at Robbie’s rig! ?
For me, what the custom path has taught me over the last year or two is I don't give a damn if Hot Toys make something or not anymore. They can't touch a custom artist. The work I have seen first hand so far exceeds Hot Toys quality it isn't funny. The best way to get the best figure isn't to wait and see what and if Hot Toys will do it, it is to go out and get the components you need yourself & your figure will far exceed Hot Toys anyway.

For me, Indy and Han Solo custom route is an absolute no brainer.
Got my deposit in!
Will those thar sent deposits be updated on the first page as well?

Sweet jeebus I'm happy I decided to get on this run. I was one of those on the fencers because, as mentioned, HT will eventually get around to him, but it won't be on this level!

Hope Inigo puts his Empire Han up for order soon too.

I’ll put it up on the first page too, just send me the info and I’ll put it up.
Just got an update on my Han figure from them, apparently the hand peg is broken, and boots and belt is pretty worn lol. I don’t know what they do with it, but anybody got any spare belt and boots?
I think I am more excited for Robbie's holster than I am the clothing set currently. We've never seen a decent Han Solo ESB holster, well I haven't anyway.