Head sculpture [SouClaudio + Visceral Plastic] 'There Will Be Blood' - Daniel Plainview 'limited to 20' (SOLD OUT)

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The sculptor has become pretty bad at communicating, for whatever reasons. He last updated me two weeks ago and before that, the same. If his behaviour has any correlation, then I should see something new by the end of the week. Apparently he's working between then, but I really don't see why that would stop him sending me a video to help optimise. I'll keep you all posted.

For Claudio, have you paid him a 50% deposit? If not, then don't expect him to continue until you do. If a deposit already paid and he's not replying to you on FB, then I usually catch a reply back on IG. He's always active there.
For Claudio, have you paid him a 50% deposit? If not, then don't expect him to continue until you do. If a deposit already paid and he's not replying to you on FB, then I usually catch a reply back on IG. He's always active there.
We paid him months ago, and I only use Instagram. It happens to Vince as well. He has got back to me and said his schedule is getting busy and we should see updates in a few days.
Is it clothing or only a hat?
How about plainview outfits? Any plans?
For Plainview there is another thread going for a pre oiled yunsil run
Forgot to reply, sorry.
Ray's right about that, and it's a pretty good deal too imo. I've been waiting for Hector to post the charcoal suit re-run (he booked around a year ago), but for some reason hasn't. If he doesn't soon, Yunsil is going to take a while to do it and I may have to make plans for a new one.
So, I’ve been looking for a product that can make clothing appear to be wet and stumbled upon these products. One is called Ultracrude and whereas it may not be perfect for thick streaks, it could give a really nice oil staining effect. I’m gonna pick up a small tub and see what it does. Wouldn’t be the first time I wasted $15 on a failed experiment ?
So, I’ve been looking for a product that can make clothing appear to be wet and stumbled upon these products. One is called Ultracrude and whereas it may not be perfect for thick streaks, it could give a really nice oil staining effect. I’m gonna pick up a small tub and see what it does. Wouldn’t be the first time I wasted $15 on a failed experiment ?
Haha I have soooooooooooooo much stuff I bought for one purpose that never worked out. I always keep everything though because you never know when it might come in handy later for a different project!
So, I’ve been looking for a product that can make clothing appear to be wet and stumbled upon these products. One is called Ultracrude and whereas it may not be perfect for thick streaks, it could give a really nice oil staining effect. I’m gonna pick up a small tub and see what it does. Wouldn’t be the first time I wasted $15 on a failed experiment ?
Looks spot on in the images. Hopefully it will work okay with fabric.
Generally with these things I just stick to the basics and don’t experiment to much with these products as they never seem to turn out well.

You can look at my Instagram to see the one I did.
I just used acrylic paints. Watered down black and brown, thick gloss coat transparent aNd a few washes of ochre colored transparent acrylics.
8 days ago ?‍♂️. It's mostly annoying because I'm seeing other scupts by him being finished and printed. I asked him again today, hopefully I'll be sent something that I'm happy to post.
Update 07/07:
He has rigged the sculpt with multiple expression that can be switched between. I'm happy with showing this picture below. I dont think the jaw area and chin is spot on yet, so i have cropped it out.