Terminator 2 MM1 Grenade Launcher: LIST CLOSED, SHIPPED

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Re: Terminator 2 MM1 Grenade Launcher NOW ACCEPTING PAYMENT 2/28 SEE POST 1

I have completed the sanding work and finishing work on the first assembled launcher. I am at work and totally forgot to take pics, but I will get them up tonight... I think it looks great completely finished!

I also finished the sanding work on ALL the casts and simply need to assmble and apply the finishing coat to everything.

Now a question which still most people have not provided any insight on... weathering/paintwork other than black.

I have maintained that I just don't see where weathering should be applied, however I am 100% willing to do it if I can get a little bit of suggestion on where to apply it. The launcher he picks up at Cyberdyne seems pretty pristine, and I wasn't sure about adding scratches and aging just for the sake of doing it. Any thoughts or references from anyone?
Re: Terminator 2 MM1 Grenade Launcher NOW ACCEPTING PAYMENT 2/28 SEE POST 1

It's not something I gave any thought to. I've just looked at my Commando MM1 again - it has no weathering on it, his one is just matte black and it's not something that ever struck me as being a flaw.

What do others think?
Re: Terminator 2 MM1 Grenade Launcher NOW ACCEPTING PAYMENT 2/28 SEE POST 1

The weathering isn't that important. If anybody wants to do it, a little dry-brushed silver is all it needs.
Re: Terminator 2 MM1 Grenade Launcher NOW ACCEPTING PAYMENT 2/28 SEE POST 1

I'll probably be painting it silver any way for a Dogs of War look.

Re: Terminator 2 MM1 Grenade Launcher NOW ACCEPTING PAYMENT 2/28 SEE POST 1

I was feeling the same way...straight matte black...like so...


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Re: Terminator 2 MM1 Grenade Launcher NOW ACCEPTING PAYMENT 2/28 SEE POST 1

Simple plain matte black on granade launcher no weathering needed
Re: Terminator 2 MM1 Grenade Launcher NOW ACCEPTING PAYMENT 2/28 SEE POST 1

recalling movie shots i don't remember weathering there. it's not a battlefield weapon, it lies calmly in a car on a soft pillow and is taken out to pacify unarmed crowd from a safe spot :)
but barrel and grenade pockets looked glossy, really glossy. definitely not matte.



and the best pic to see the black colors variety and different levels of gloss between different elements...


DoggieDoc, looking at that images now i see that your barrels and the barrel post are... texturized? :dunno
Re: Terminator 2 MM1 Grenade Launcher NOW ACCEPTING PAYMENT 2/28 SEE POST 1

I think the barrel looked textured is because of the 3d print? That is why i've asked earlier if it's been sanded before cast. Anyway im fine with it. I can polish it up myself when i get them. Im not to fussy about it.
Re: Terminator 2 MM1 Grenade Launcher NOW ACCEPTING PAYMENT 2/28 SEE POST 1

Thanks for the feedback everyone.

P., yes, there is a bit of a texture visible on the barrels which I mentioned earlier. It's a result of the molding and casting process. I have done additional sanding which should minimise it's appearance. I don't feel it detracts from the overall look however.

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Re: Terminator 2 MM1 Grenade Launcher NOW ACCEPTING PAYMENT 2/28 SEE POST 1

Nah, doesn't bother me. I wonder would some sort of muted gloss look good on the barrel and drum though, based on P.'s reference shots there.
Re: Terminator 2 MM1 Grenade Launcher NOW ACCEPTING PAYMENT 2/28 SEE POST 1

I would say that some of the black is satin as opposed to gloss. I'm sure it is supposed to replicate the bluing seen on real guns. Gloss black would be a mistake.
Re: Terminator 2 MM1 Grenade Launcher NOW ACCEPTING PAYMENT 2/28 SEE POST 1

Yea just a satin or matte black. I can add a hint of light weathering myself.
Re: Terminator 2 MM1 Grenade Launcher NOW ACCEPTING PAYMENT 2/28 SEE POST 1

Thanks for all the input guys. I can do a little bit of experimentation even between satin and flat.

To be clear, these ARE painted. Even though they are cast in black the cast resin does not provide an even enough finish to look acceptable to me. So, after all sanding work, these get a very light coat of flat black. It evens out all the color so the whole gun looks uniform, and in the end I think it looks great. Were these not cast in black, they would have required MUCH more paint and some of the finer details would have ended up being muddied.

So what I can do is perhaps give one of the guns a quick coat of satin finish just to see how it looks. Everyone cool with that? Then I can post the images and we can make a final decision. That alright?

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Re: Terminator 2 MM1 Grenade Launcher NOW ACCEPTING PAYMENT 2/28 SEE POST 1

I would say that is fine, but do not paint the grips.

Just out of curiosity, why do you say that? You mean if I do the satin thing? Yeah, that would look weird!

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Re: Terminator 2 MM1 Grenade Launcher NOW ACCEPTING PAYMENT 2/28 SEE POST 1

This is the first picture i've seen of the sling swivel mount, I can't really see the detail, is there any better images?
Re: Terminator 2 MM1 Grenade Launcher NOW ACCEPTING PAYMENT 2/28 SEE POST 1

Just out of curiosity, why do you say that? You mean if I do the satin thing? Yeah, that would look weird!

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Maybe he meant, don't paint the grips so the paint doesn't wear off in the hands. Just conjecturing.
Re: Terminator 2 MM1 Grenade Launcher NOW ACCEPTING PAYMENT 2/28 SEE POST 1

Maybe he meant, don't paint the grips so the paint doesn't wear off in the hands. Just conjecturing.

That was my second thought.
Re: Terminator 2 MM1 Grenade Launcher NOW ACCEPTING PAYMENT 2/28 SEE POST 1

I'm no expert on paint, I pretty much trust any of you guy's recommendations.
Re: Terminator 2 MM1 Grenade Launcher NOW ACCEPTING PAYMENT 2/28 SEE POST 1

Looking great. No weathering required.

Also, please put me down for a control box as well, dependent on pricing.
