Absolutely agree with you Ray and Mike. This is why I have always said until someone has done one of these runs( design the suit, make a decision on the fabric , collect all the deposits, collect all the final payments, deal with all those who disappeared, sending out reminders, keeping everyone updated and shipping each set out) a casual collector will never understand what it takes to do a run and for a run to finally become reality. Setting “ a hard deadline “ is the right thing to do. I see you guys were even very generous and set the deadline at 4+ weeks for final payment. I set my deadline at 2 weeks for my recent suit run and 1 week for my head run and I was firm like you which is the way to go!
I must say it is sad when it is time to pay, there are those that will not even reply as a courtesy. Doggie Dog and I will be looking at some of the issues we see with runs and will soon be posting “ The Rules to being in a run and the rules to one sixth customs “ soon to mitigate some of these problems that affect everyone !