YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress SOLD OUT

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Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress

50 people you say Wor? Will there be another pricing tier if that number is hit?

Put me down. I'm hoping the fabric selection will be previewed before samples/production/deposits. I'm really looking for something that drapes well like the cape on Sideshow's Vader.

I don't have the figure yet, but I don't need it in hand to know the clothing on it is a disaster.
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Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress

50 people you say War? Will there be another pricing tier if that number is hit?

Not my project, but 50 was intended to get it down to $200... and it went down to $150 instead... so I'd say that's already the next tier down. :)

And it's Wor, kind sir... not War. Like Wor Wonton... :D
Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress

50!* Interested!!

*No, that's not fifty factorial, just plain old #50...:lecture