YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress SOLD OUT

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Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress BALANCES DUE APRIL 16

Balance sent. Thanks, Chili.

Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress BALANCES DUE APRIL 16

I might not make it. Rough month financially.

Sent from my SM-G930T using Tapatalk
Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress BALANCES DUE APRIL 16

paid full, thank you chili
Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress BALANCES DUE APRIL 16

Balance sent (sorry for delay - have the flu).
Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress BALANCES DUE APRIL 16

Not 100% but a pretty damn good turnout.

I think we lost 26 but gained an additional 11 along the way. Today we'll see final tally. But that's fairly amazing.
Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress BALANCES DUE APRIL 16


I do expect a ton of last minute folks today as well.

Im leaving orders open for the entire day, and placing the final order first thing tomorrow, so get em in guys and gals!
Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress BALANCES DUE APRIL 16

Paid. Whew. Had to gigolo for that.

Sent from my SM-G960U using Tapatalk
Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress BALANCES DUE APRIL 16

We're getting closer Guys ! I can finally display this figure the way it was meant to be.