YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress SOLD OUT

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I’m so excited for this dress. How do I remove the belt when I change her?
It just un-clips at the back. I'd worry more about having to rip her arms off to get the dress on!!! :rotfl

I'm struggling to get the old dress off, even with arms and legs removed. Can anyone advise before I reach for the scalpel?
People are already undressing her? Thought we weren't getting this until July at the earliest. :lol
Couple that with the context of dismembering and undressing a doll and it....raises some questions :eek:
I managed to remove the dress in the end without any significant mutilation. Just had to pull down her little minidress thing as it was getting fouled ... I'm making it worse aren't I?
I managed to remove the dress in the end without any significant mutilation. Just had to pull down her little minidress thing as it was getting fouled ... I'm making it worse aren't I?

If people are just gonna display her totally nude for a few months, I demand entertaining photos. :rotfl
If people are just gonna display her totally nude for a few months, I demand entertaining photos. :rotfl

The little mini dress is sewn onto the body. Would require unstitching to remove so my Leia won't be going full nude.
Besides the new look is tres 60s until the dress turns up :)

I sent final payment April 13. I didnt see my name on the list on the first page. I have been trying to PM you but your box is full. Can you confirm I’m on the list?