Fabric update:
Yun-sil does not want to use fake leather.
Yun-sil is OK with using a custom fabric if we supply it.
We have two options:
1. I recreate the fabric myself.
2. We have a mill create the fabric.
By FAR, the first option is cheapest. A mill will charge a lot, like thousands of dollars, which divided up between 50 people still would increase the cost considerably. Yun-sil's costs should fall because she neither has to buy the fabric, nor have it printed. I'll have to charge people for my time and costs of course, but I'll keep it fair.
By chance, I do have experience with the exact technique they used to make the fabric. I can't use the same top finish because it would make it too stiff for a 1:6 outfit, but I will experiment with some various finishes to get the right look.
Before sending it to Yun-sil I will send the proposed fabric to two of the people on the project who have reputations as fastidious artists.
Yun-sil will also judge the fabric I submit, so it will pass through two levels of assessment before being used.
With either option I need to silk screen the lettering on the fabric before giving it to Yun-sil.*
I hope that sounds OK. I just don't want this project to settle for a mediocre fabric choice, the tailoring would still be better, but that jacket is destined for iconic status.
* If some one who knows how to use Illustrator wants to recreate the lettering on his back so I can use it to make the silk-screen, I can give them a credit towards the project. I can do this myself, but having someone else do this design work would expedite the process by freeing me to do other things. PM me if interested.
Edit: Raymond F. is going to do the graphic.