Brandon Routh - Super Man returns - Proto update

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Re: Brandon Routh - Super Man returns - Taking Orders - Sculpt completed

i'll have a custom suit made. it won't have the pinstripes like the hot toys suit but those are kinda goofy anyway.

Cool, post pics when it's complete please

What do people think of deadpool as an option fora donor body?
Re: Brandon Routh - Super Man returns - Taking Orders - Print Update

Could you put me down for two heads for the original HT BR head sizes?

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Re: Brandon Routh - Super Man returns - Taking Orders - Print Update

Just wanted to confirm you received payment for one MOS size and one original SR hot toy size. Thanks.
Re: Brandon Routh - Super Man returns - Taking Orders - Print Update

I got the pic from taobao, always lots of parted out figures on there. It's listed as Hot Toys. I'm considering it, or a Cap body, though the latter looks a bit bum chested.
Re: Brandon Routh - Super Man returns - Taking Orders - Print Update

Update on Brandon Routh - I heard back from the caster today and he informed me that by this Wednesday all the castings will be completed. and as predicted we will be shipping the first set of heads by next week world wide...

P.S - I was planning to give away free gift along with the sculpt but its not possible to do complete the production at the same time... As most of guys are waiting to get this on hand so eagerly i will have to cancel it. Sorry for that in advance. ;-(
Re: Brandon Routh - Super Man returns - Taking Orders - Print Update

Awesome news! And as far as I'm concerned this amazing sculpt is already enough of a gift (even if it is one we're paying for). :p
Re: Brandon Routh - Super Man returns - Taking Orders - Print Update

That's a shame on the gift. I'm in no rush for my head, but out of curiosity what would the gift have been?
Re: Brandon Routh - Super Man returns - Taking Orders - Cast Update

Hi guys can you all please PM or comment on which head types you all needed and ordered... MOS BR version production is completed and Original HT size version will be done in next week. starting to ship the MOS BR version by early next week. 15271377_10208012744860791_907037921_o.jpg
Re: Brandon Routh - Super Man returns - Taking Orders - Cast Update

Original HT size for me, or whichever ended up being the smaller one. :)
Re: Brandon Routh - Super Man returns - Taking Orders - Cast Update

I wasn't aware there were two versions offered here...

I guess if I had to make a choice, I'll go for two MoS size.
Re: Brandon Routh - Super Man returns - Taking Orders - Cast Update

Hi Guys, MOS sizes heads been shipped to the rightful owners and we have started the Original HT version head production this week. Refer attached images. Before month end(DEC) all the production will be completed. 15350503_10211592026864162_7851859654210379400_n.jpg


Re: Brandon Routh - Super Man returns - Taking Orders - Cast Update

I got word from the person who took delivery of my package that it arrived safely, but there's no spit curl. There is one for this sculpt right?