Super Freak
Hey, Spidey, have you received the first batch of Jim Lee heads/holders yet?
I have a tracking number. They ought to be here soon. I believe Thiago shipped them out last Friday
I'd like to see Jones' and Finchs' painted and on the statue before I consider. They look fantastic.
You will see some Jones real soon
It might take a few more weeks for Finch
Wow, those head sculpts look incredible. Would love to see them painted. Just a question though... when did Kelley Jones ever draw Batman that normally? His definitive Batman's costume and cowl were always super exaggerated to the point of looking vampiric, and sometimes even... entirely vampiric. Either way, love the sculpts. Excited to see them painted, on the actual PF.
It was simply based on his art. Then Thiago interpreted it in his own way to match the rest of the PF :wink1:
I agree with the Vampiric look (love that enormous cape and those super long ears) and cannot recall a "normal" looking Bats drawn by him. However, recently I have been reading his collected works and can relate the sculpt at times when he's shown calm in the pages. Of course the long ears are missing too, but I think they would have looked pretty exaggerated with the current PF. So, maybe it is Thiago Provin's take on KJ or it could be based on a specific artwork done by him. Example: His face looks normal here:
What I really like about this sculpt is the intricate details it has. Its like the real life version of Jones' Bats.
Couldn't have said it better myself!