Deckard outfit…

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I really am interested in at LEAST a Rachael interview shirt and tie / or a final battle set. Potentially also a sportcoat and overcoat as well, really depends on final look and price. Can you part these out Steven?

What body are these being tailored to fit?

Still working out pricing as well?
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I really am interested in at LEAST a Rachael interview shirt and tie / or a final battle set. Potentially also a sportcoat and overcoat as well, really depends on final look and price. Can you part these out Steven?

What body are these being tailored to fit?

Post 56

"It will be fitted to the HT TT female body,"

Post 56

"It will be fitted to the HT TT female body,"


:rotfl I meant the Deckard stuff. TT advanced? narrow?

And price is important here, as well as if ala carte is available. I'm impressed with these!
I believe either advanced or narrow.
There isn't that much of a difference.

well, shoulders can make a difference if it's tailored to an advanced. They can be too wide and hang weird on a narrow. That's all I'm asking. :)
Shoulder on the advanced aren't wider that on the narrow.
Arms are just bigger and chest a bit bulkier but not that much of a difference ;-)
I have mine on a narrow shoulder TT. But it’ll fit the other TT bodies.

The outfits will be sold in sets. The coat and the jacket are the same for all the outfits, then the shirt and corresponding paints and tie will be sold in sets. I’ll break it down soon so you can see what I mean.

The coat with the bulk taken out of the shoulder area is just about ready. And the fabric for the “Final Battle” shirt came today so I’ll see if one can be sewn up tomorrow, It came out great.
“Final Battle” outfit.

Hey Steven did you get the final revisions of the Rachel Interview outfit yet?

Just wondering if you have any updates. I'm looking forward to the final coat pics :rock
wow, that coat looks superb. i really love how it falls. just one minor observation and i really hope you don't mind me making it. the trousers look to be riding a little high, and the tie short. maybe that's how it looked in the movie, i can't remember.

otherwise... looking forward to it :)
coat is looking alot better! I cant help thinking that it still needs to be smaller, though if thats the final cut than still looks cool ;) would you say it's the same size as the android hunter coat?
I would say somewhat, I posted a picture of Harrison Ford wearing the coat, to show how big that coat really is, if it’s taken in anymore it starts losing the movie look. The android hunter coats collar it way too big and the cut is incorrect.

One thing that does look a little big on my coat is the sleeves where the flap is at the wrist, which was done to make it easier to put on over the suit jacket. If it’s pulled tighter it’s very hard to pull the jacket sleeve through and it usually just bunches up in the coat sleeve.
Actually the size is looking much better at second glance :) could you take a pic of the collar down like in the picture? Also would it be possible to get the sleeves adjusted smaller for just the one? I dont mind the blazer sleeves bunching up, as long as it looks more accurate ;)

How are the other adjustments coming along like the blazer?