I think it really depends on how you paint him - he does smile a little initially in the bar after Azzano, so I think if you get him painted with cuts and bruises post-Azzano, it might be okay

But hey, Waruna has the sculpt now, so maybe we can convince him to do a second :lol
Well, I know but the smiles he does after Azzano are a lot different than this one here. This smile looks more like the cocky Bucky from the beginning of the movie:
After Azzano he mostly looks like this:
or this
The times when he's smiling is when he's putting on a smile for Steve before switching to a very painful look once Steve's look isn't on him anymore:
Or when they're in the bar and Bucky has a real smile coz can you believe Steve? XD
Or when he's trying to charm Peggy ..
Or when he's kinda cracking a joke
Now don't get me wrong, I love that there's life in his expression and I love that tiny smile on Bucky's face but it's kinda limiting, ya know? Most people are gonna display him with either Rescue Cap or the Golden Age Cap and I think both look ready for action with serious looks so why would Bucky, who is isn't smiling a lot, look like that next to him? I mean, for example, the cocky grinning expression makes sense for Scott and it works coz it's Ant-Man and it's Scott. ^^ He is like that most of the time. But with Buck ... I dunno. Now if I had a less serious Steve to go with him, I wouldn't even type this much. XD I'd just jump on it.
Well, in the end I'm happy with whatever we get coz I need TFA Buck in my life but if we could get Waruna to do 2 sculpts like he did with Kratos, now that would be perfect.
Maybe Waruna could offer 2 sculpts as a bundle. *_* Now I dunno about you but that would be like Christmas to me. That way, everyone would be happy and if someone doesn't want both, there's still the option to split with someone else. ^.^ What do you guys say?