Heath Ledger joker by ZKULPTOR, interest thread

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Is it too late to get in on this. Please put me down if possible.
The man's making art, not a ******* big mac. Let him work. ;)
Let this guy breathe!
Heath is really hard to sculpt!
Go see his Bruce Willis and I'm sure you will let him all the time he need to sculpt this one :)
So any guess to what the expression is? ..i'm thinking it's some sort of laughing sculpt, can you think of any other expression that he would have his eyes closed for?
The eyes seems open :D

Looking at it a second time it does look like they are ..there is just a good bit of upper eyelid that fooled me into thinking it was closed.


I personally would love that look he does just after he says "I'm not a monster" ...i can't find a pic of it, but it's one of my favorite joker expressions.

[ame="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u8PxG5zvgOM"]YouTube - Heath Ledger - Incredible Acting[/ame]
Yes I love that expression too, wouldn't mind that one at all, the eyes do seem open to me as well - but as you rightly pointed out there's a lot of eyelid showing so probably a sleepy or squinted expression...hmmm
Hi Guys,
My apologies, I am going as fast as I can, please keep in mind this is my hobby, I sculpt other stuff for a living, and that takes precedence. I wear many hats, husband, father of 3 toddlers, designer, secretary lol...I am starting my own company as well, so that kinda takes a lot of time, please I hope you understand.
Anyway, I am trying real hard to capture the likeness...
I am afraid that if I show you what I've got going right now you will kill me... oh well here you go...

Thanks, man!

Really hope to see facial expression!... :yess:
Thanks for the teaser ZKULPTOR! :rock
The fun is the speculation over what expression you're working on...the lids do appear sleepy, but at this point it's really hard to tell. Can't wait to see more...:panic:
look what I think :yess::yess::yess::yess::yess::yess::yess::yess::yess:

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