I just sent Pajji a PM so the pictures will definitely help. Thanks Pajji!
I'll make the top flared out a bit so it can fit the jeans in. Remember this thing is going to be in resin. I'll play around and try to get it in a slightly flexible material if possible because I think that would help. I'll add the wrinkles and such once it's done and the front strap "Nike" logo will be done by Corrose for a better effect that's why I didn't put it on there.
On a completely separate note, I think the hoverboard is ready for print. I don't have a HT Slim body so I would like someone with one to help on this. I need to estimate the size of the board. If someone has a slim body and check the images below of the real hoverboard and make an estimated guess, please let me know how long the board should be.
I currently estimate the total length to be 109.88 millimeter. I'm measuring it in millimeter because it's much more precise in this scale, but you can convert it to inch easily using Google.
The board itself will be 3.5mm, but it stands at 6mm because the back of the board is curved up slightly. (not counting the two bottom pads).
If you can guys can check and let me know if this is a good estimate, then I think we're good to go and I'll send this in to print so we can at least get the board going.