Imaresqd1 Christian Bale SOLD OUT

Custom One-Sixth Figures Forum

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the sculpture is impressive and this painting is a masterpiece

not have any left? :wink1:
80usd paypal gift for my spot on the list... I need extra funds for other stuff so pm me... Im in the next ten to have my cast poured.
guys please i put down the money for the head... I can sell it for how much i like. Cheers. And littlestudio what you sold your head for is your thing... Me asking 15bucks more than what i paid for is hardly greedy.
infact what some members ask for a simple paint up is what i would call greedy.
true elvis but lets be honest... Someguys have lost the plot when it comes to the cost of a paintup.
exactly buddy... We all have thought it but most of the time dont dare say anything... Although its not all customizers... Nways i am just a lil pissed that i am being called greedy for the 15usd more i am asking for the head... If i was desperate i would let it go for the near 70usd it cost me or cheaper... Otherwise i would just keep it... I have heard alot of guys moan they want the head but they wont pay... which i dont mind... But then dont go and whine over the dam price.
Well the reason why I don't think it is right to ask for more than what you paid is that this is still an active run with an active waiting list - therefore the only logical way to move forward is to get a refund and let the next guy in line take your place

Or sell your spot for what you paid

If you don't want to do that and are bent on making done money then I suggest wait a few months when all these heads have been shipped out and the list is truly closed

That's my $0.02
i get your point void... Anyways i think this issue has caused enough trouble here already... I will just wait till i get the head inhand.... But just btw i dont see a waiting list and it clearly states sold out! And i dont think cregcustoms offers full refunds for things that have been paid for a few months ago.
infact what some members ask for a simple paint up is what i would call greedy.

You should get some talent then try your hand at a "simple repaint" and see what it takes to accomplish such work. It's called art buddy look into it. You apparently know nothing about it. Jack :moon