Imaresqd1 Christian Bale SOLD OUT

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I'd would very much like to acquire this sculpt as I was late to the party. So if there is a wait list, I would certainly like to be added to it.

6joker9 and I tried to hammer out a deal but couldn't reach a meeting of the minds so if there are any other guys out there who may want to sell their sculpt or their spot, please PM me.

I want to weigh in on the simple paint comment, you want my honest opinion? For the amount of work not to mention talent that goes Into paint ups that guys like Josh, Greggo, Seb, Kuato, silentsurfer and the others charge I'd say it's verging closer to charity than it is fair. It takes TIME bro. Especially to get it looking so good it's a labor of love and it's one hundred percent unique. These are guys who work full jobs or have lives and families and stuff. They deserve something for not only their time but their unique talents.
I don't really think that's a fair comparison to his point though. I'm not taking any side but I think his comments have more to do with the ever changing prices people are charging to paint. Of course they have every right to though.
exactly buddy... We all have thought it but most of the time dont dare say anything... Although its not all customizers... Nways i am just a lil pissed that i am being called greedy for the 15usd more i am asking for the head... If i was desperate i would let it go for the near 70usd it cost me or cheaper... Otherwise i would just keep it... I have heard alot of guys moan they want the head but they wont pay... which i dont mind... But then dont go and whine over the dam price.

:exactly: the run of this head has stopped so if anyone want to sell there head they can charge what ever they want,the decision lies in the buyers hands if the item is worth the price.
It's like with most collectibles, people will have to pay more on the after market if they missed the item when it was at retail price, you snooze you loose.;)
my point exactly calcifer but i didnt even ask that much more for it... I did start at 90usd so that id have room to lower the price which i did pretty quick. Anyways lets leave it now... And the paintup cost comment was just a cheap shot with some truth to it directly aimed at smallstudios for calling me greedy after he just tried to sell an empty box the other day.
Bales on a plastic tray...

Thanks people.

This is the only "fun" shot I took for light testing. The heads are now all packed and sealed in boxes awaiting shipment to their owners. I'll post again when I ever get to painting my own.
Holy **** that looks absolutely dead-on. You're right Intothevoid. HT would not better that. They could only equal it if they somehow managed to pump out exactly the same sculpt.
Eagle eye Dean

I'd imagine Dean has spent so much of his life these past few months looking at this sculpt, that noticing anything off is just automatic.

He probably sees Bale when he closes his eyes, like that picture where if you stare at it for a minute and close your eyes, you see Jesus.