IRIS: Mad Max Road Warrior outfit(Taking Deposits)

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Update: Outfit will ship in March the remaining balance will be asked for soon. Thanks again guys.
Isn't the belt done by another artist (gustavo I believe?) I guess You have yo contact him yourself to te get it made. (I think :))
I would just hate to not have the complete set done right. I could get the shoulder pad seperately I’m sure, but how the heck do I put it on?
I think the Cult King and VCI Fury Road shoulder pads have a little strap underneath the pad that you can just fasten and then slide on to the figure's shoulder. GeeWhiz also do Max shoulder pads too, so there are a few options open. :)
Getting made definitely no biggie; as long as there’s a strap there to add to or maybe if someone has the original CK release can take a picture to show.
Yes, there is a strap and I'm assuming Iris will use the same technique again as was done for the Cult King run. It was the Yunsil run that had the shoulder pad attached to the jacket if I recall correctly.
Feel like jumping on this. But i already have to many things going on kind of don't want to but i could get the outfit and sculpt and other items later. Mr. E definitely reignited my interest in max after seeing his new boots.
Mr E's work on those boots is outstanding. Would be great if you could join us on the outfit run Luis! :) I'm just really pleased that the outfit is actually being made. The original Cult King Max ended up using a body that was a bit too large to accomodate for the larger headsculpt, hence the outfit was also on the larger size. The Iris tailoring was top notch though. If the new outfits accomodate a slimmer TTM21/Han Solo type body, all the better. Do you happen to know which body Iris has tailored the Max outfit on?
I hope it’s close to Han Solo body as that’s what I’m using. Also, if anyone hasn’t ordered Mr. Es boots, they are top notch. They’ve been sitting next to my Solo body waiting to put some clothes on ?
How do you find Mr. E?

Also. Is the outfit an improvement over Yunsels (Velvet morning)? I have that one.
I have had the priveledge of owning both. Both sets were excellent, but for me I preferred the Iris set which appeared to be made of a slghtly thicker material. I think this makes it easier to crease and ultimately can look at bit more like the crinkled, well-worn jacket and pants that he wears in the movie.