Kit/JonSnow by Sculptor

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Ok guys, check it out, if you guys are cool with these new measurements I can reprint. I've scaled to be the same size, give or take a 1/2mm, as the 3Z head.

Old measurements 48.27W x 50.30H

New Measurements 45W x 46.89H

100x times better I think, I'm good with the new meisurement.
If it's reprint do we have to pay again? Or will it be at some sort of discount?
Ill charge shipping of $10 US or $25 international for the reprint. I want to show the new print first, then Ill show pics and collect the numbers from the guys who want a replacement. Thanks
Yeah, I'd definitely be interested in getting the reprinted version. It really was a great sculpt, just a shame it came out oversized, but crap happens sometimes. :)
I think the new head sculpt sizing should be slightly larger than the 3Z Head, with the cape on the larger head sculpt does not look that bad. If you size it down too small with the cape on the head might look too small for the body. He has a lot of body in his hair and downsizing the head may shrink the width of his face resulting in a peanut head lol
As long as the face is close to the 3Z head I'm fine with that. You can see the nose, forehead chin are all much larger than the 3Z head. Rocco in the fix you made do the facial features match? I know they won't match exactly but to scale would be great. I can't really tell.


p.s. Looks like Azon4reel and I will be the only ones working on a concensus... ;)
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I would Gladly pay for shipping again to get a new sized sculpt and thank you for doing this really appreciate it, I also Agree that the sculpt should be just a sliver bigger than the Three Zero head sculpt and would be perfect thanks.
Slightly larger than the default 3Z head would be good because of his costume and the cloak.
I would definitely like a replacement for my sculpt with the new scale. The old one is a tad big for the body.
Ok guys here is a pic at 46 mm wide, if all agree the slightly larger head then 3z is better then Ill go to print by Monday. That will give me a couple days to hear back from everyone. Thanks!


I think it looks great! Will wait for the others to comment also!
Disclaimer: I'm keeping the stock head on my figure, so YMMV.

My 2 cents: IMO, the new cast would be best matching exactly the size of the stock head, cheek to cheek, temple to temple. The hair on the new one has more volume and the entire thing will already be bigger overall. Making the skull bigger may make it look unnatural in a similar way to the first oversized cast and it may not fit well along side the other figures in the line.