Rainman Artworks - Dracula

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I will be running this by Lee for a hopeful change

You have my appreciation too. Thank you, Stiff.

I was thinking of how I would make a new hat because there's no way I would modify RM's. But, it would be a million percent better if he just tweaked it. The cravat is dark grey too and he's done that in blue - maybe that's why he calls it the "blue" version :)

Really looking forward to getting my DX. Thanks for everyone's advise on this!
Call me nuts, but I actually like the color. I bet the color of the cloth was the closest they could get, so they matched it to the hat. Fabric is usually the factor that determines what they will use.

I wanted a dx, but kept saying empty cart with paypal. Had to settle on a fullest.
I can live with the figure as it is too, otherwise I wouldn't have paid for a DX, just would be nice for RM to paint the hat grey if possible, if he wouldn't mind. If not, I'll get a more screen accurate one made.

No figure is ever perfect. No one ever agrees. But it would be nice to change before we get them.
Clothes set open again!!

Mike what did you end up deciding on!?

I'm still torn man. I have a DX and a Full Set Red locked but not paid for yet. All Full Set options are still available thru VIP, so it doesn't look like I'm holding anyone up, but I'm going to have to make a choice either way today because I don't want to hold a set hostage that I'm not committing to for too long.

The Red FS is a no brainer, but my dilemma is I'm really drawn to the Blue version but I have to decide if it's something I need to own, or something I can just appreciate thru other people's pics. I'm never this indecisive but there are a lot of factors on this one that add a lot to weigh out.
I will be running this by Lee for a hopeful change

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I think that Mish may be right about him maybe matching the color of cravat (whether they were able to get the color of that more accurate is another subject), but I think the thing that needs the most thought about a color correction is the Wolfman bust. He appeared in that form in a couple of scenes and the one and only time he looked blue was the quick second when the "reflection" of the lightning flashed on him. The skin tone is supposed to be way more grey
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I know no one will broadcast it on here, but can anyone DM me RM's contact email? I've used the one received via Paypal for now, and hoping that might be good enough to get a response.

Just checking about combined shipping costs + extra head, as the cart wouldn't add them all at same time, so not sure if I lost out on shipping charges etc.

Really looking forward to the figures!
Need a little help here, I'm trying to order an extra old man Dracula head and I will get all the way until the end but it will keep saying that I need to have something with a greater value of 1.00...which I thought I was for the head which is 60!!...so some help would be appreciated on this one....my other orders went fine but this headsculpt is not doing so well...thanks...:)
I've just paid mine in full, just in case his website breaks.

Dave - Logout, add to cart, login, fill in details - I had to do it a few times with Firefox

Need a little help here, I'm trying to order an extra old man Dracula head and I will get all the way until the end but it will keep saying that I need to have something with a greater value of 1.00...which I thought I was for the head which is 60!!...so some help would be appreciated on this one....my other orders went fine but this headsculpt is not doing so well...thanks...:)

I had the same exact problem - see Anx10us post above. Would only work for me when I added to cart when not logged in and THEN logged in.
I'm in the same boat. Got Paypal confirmation, but no order confirmation from Rainman.
Someone said a while back that people often don't get email confirmations. Just make sure you make a note of the confirmation number and keep the Paypal receipt.

I emailed RM over a day ago and still not heard back. I guess he's busy.

Again, if anyone can PM me a better email address for him, I'd appreciate it. Thanks.
The movie was EPIC!!! Dont know why some people hated it!!!! GREAT MOVIE!! Old drac will be AMAZING!!

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