YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress SOLD OUT

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YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

Looks very good to me. I'll second the comments on collar and seams on sleeves. And the texture - which I don't see that coming trough in photos - but would prefer a subtle texture.

Personally, I'm not a fan of making it too much baggier as those screen test photos aren't one for one with what we see on screen but I'm going for the service corridor loading the plans into droid look, not the just stepped out of the trash compactor and all disheveled look.

But as a proto with room to improve I'm very excited. Thanks Chili and Yunsil.

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Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

The sleeve seams are the only 'bad' things to my eye. Ribs and collar are ok/acceptable.

Huge improvement over original.
Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

The sleeve inside seams Are gonna be tough to rectify. I think we all agree we want a fabric as thin As possible while still being good quality and drapable. The only way to get rid of that seam is to double up the fabric which is NOT a good idea in my opinion, even if she can find something thinner
Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

Couldn't the inside of the sleeve be lined with silk? That's a pretty thin fabric.

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Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

I didn't say anything about the sleeve seams cause I thought they were unavoidable, but of course, if there's a way of doing them less noticeable that would be great. Was googling about it and looks like there are many types of seams, some better than others, so I guess at least you can ask Yunsil to try a different seam.
Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

The issue is still the fabric if you ask me. We got ourselves into this position for pushing her when she said it wasn't the right fabric. We should have listened and been more patient.

Its all wrong, it looks like a T shirt, it's too thick, it has ribbing, it makes those seams unsightly and the collar too big etc.

I think we need to wait on this guys, she needs to go back to the drawing board with the fabric.
Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

I'm fine with waiting while better fabric is found. This isn't at the level I expect from a Toribox outfit.
Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

I'm willing to wait longer time to get the right fabric, now the surface texture is not accurate (correct me if I'm wrong), is meaningless to me to buy a high price custom work which in low level standard just because want to get in hand fast.

Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

Yeah I guess this can just be a fallback in case she just absolutely can't find anything better.
Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

More than happy to wait for the right material. It looks great, no doubt, but we've waited this long, might as well let her do her thing and nail it proper.
Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

I'm not a tailor, but perhaps to solve the "seam" issue inside the sleeve -- instead of stitching the material against each other creating that "V" of material that we see, could the material be laid over the other and then stitched to lay flatter?

Hard to explain, but as an analogy: instead of your hands facing palm to palm (which would be how the fabric is stitched now) imagine your right hand laying on top of your left hand and then stitched. I think this would create a smoother seam. Of course, the edge of one piece of the material will be visible and would need to be 'sealed' so it won't fray.

On waiting longer, I'm not opposed to it. However, given Yunsil's experience she must have some idea how often new fabrics are introduced and what the likelihood of a thin white fabric like the one no longer available coming available again in the near future. If she says there should be a large choice for Fall, then I'd say wait. If she says the likelihood of getting think white fabric would be next Spring then I'm not encourage to wait that long. It may be impossible but I'd like to have some kind of timetable if we wait longer.

The larger problem of course is we will never get 100% agreement in this rather large group no matter the material. For example, someone here said they like the new material better than the thinner one that's no longer available.
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Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

I'm not a tailor, but perhaps to solve the "seam" issue inside the sleeve -- instead of stitching the material against each other creating that "V" of material that we see, could the material be laid over the other and then stitched to lay flatter?

Hard to explain, but as an analogy: instead of your hands facing palm to palm (which would be how the fabric is stitched now) imagine your right hand laying on top of your left hand and then stitched. I think this would create a smoother seam. Of course, the edge of one piece of the material will be visible and would need to be 'sealed' so it won't fray.

On waiting longer, I'm not opposed to it. However, given Yunsil's experience she must have some idea how often new fabrics are introduced and what the likelihood of a thin white fabric like the one no longer available coming available again in the near future. If she says there should be a large choice for Fall, then I'd say wait. If she says the likelihood of getting think white fabric would be next Spring then I'm not encourage to wait that long. It may be impossible but I'd like to have some kind of timetable if we wait longer.
Impossible. How is she going to run that through her sewing machine?

The reason the seam is done as you see it is because it's sewed inside out, and then reversed.

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Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

Impossible. How is she going to run that through her sewing machine?

The reason the seam is done as you see it is because it's sewed inside out, and then reversed.

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Well, like I said, I'm not a tailor. There are fabric glues that solve that problem though.
Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

Well, like I said, I'm not a tailor. There are fabric glues that solve that problem though.
Not, I believe, that won't hinder movement/drape of the fabric at this scale.

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Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

The type of seam that Wor-Gar says exists, and also other types. I'm not taylor neither, so I don't know what type of seams can be done in that scale, but I hope it can be done in a more subtle way. If it's not possible, I'll accept it, of course.
As for the material, yeah, seems impossible to please everyone. I prefer the chosen material cause it draps very naturally, and I'm sure the rib and thickness are unnoticeable in hand, just as Chili said. A thinner material has less weight and makes a very different effect, as we see in the other pic.
Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

Already said it numerous times. The material on the cape of Sideshow's ROTJ Vader, apart from being black, is pretty much the best I've ever seen for this application.

This is what's going to happen (for me): If this dress doesn't live up to expectations, at some point in the future I'll sell it at a profit because it's a Yunsil creation. I'll then source the material I feel is best and have someone make another dress.
Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

I have to agree with those that are disappointed in this fabric choice. It doesn't look very good, imo. :slap
Normally the quality is on point but this project makes me think the 'deposit with no prototype' is a bad idea.
Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

Everyone is designing their fall collections right now and the mills are supplying their fabrics. I'm sure in a few weeks the options will be pretty broad...
Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

Is it too late to get in on this?