YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress SOLD OUT

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Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

I'm willing to wait as well for the right fabric

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Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

I'm willing to wait, if you guys think Yunsil will find an even better fabric.

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Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

I'm fine waiting too, if that means we have chances of improving it. But I'd be happy with this fabric too.
Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

We will wait
But let's stay positive

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Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

Thanks for the update guys. I will be willing to wait for a better fabric.

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Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

I'm not a tailor, but perhaps to solve the "seam" issue inside the sleeve -- instead of stitching the material against each other creating that "V" of material that we see, could the material be laid over the other and then stitched to lay flatter?

Hard to explain, but as an analogy: instead of your hands facing palm to palm (which would be how the fabric is stitched now) imagine your right hand laying on top of your left hand and then stitched. I think this would create a smoother seam. Of course, the edge of one piece of the material will be visible and would need to be 'sealed' so it won't fray.

On waiting longer, I'm not opposed to it. However, given Yunsil's experience she must have some idea how often new fabrics are introduced and what the likelihood of a thin white fabric like the one no longer available coming available again in the near future. If she says there should be a large choice for Fall, then I'd say wait. If she says the likelihood of getting think white fabric would be next Spring then I'm not encourage to wait that long. It may be impossible but I'd like to have some kind of timetable if we wait longer.

The larger problem of course is we will never get 100% agreement in this rather large group no matter the material. For example, someone here said they like the new material better than the thinner one that's no longer available.


Although I don't like the "ribbing" in the photos, Chili said that it's not noticeable in-hand. The seam in the sleeve - like someone already said, we just have to watch the pose, I guess. Look inside the Luke sleeve and it ain't too pretty.

For me, there's one thing I much prefer with the newer fabric, compared to the one she can't get anymore - there's no wrinkles. That first one has wrinkles from her thighs down, that vividly gives away the scale.

The neck is also massive on the first one - take a look at the last photo Chili posted on page 80.
Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

A massive improvement on the HT one and i'm really glad to see the progress from Yunsil in this prototype. But i have to agree with the others and whats been mentioned. If there is still a chance that better fabric material can be sourced to knock this out of the park and take on the collar issue being too big than i am more than happy to wait and see what develops.
Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

I'm starting to doubt that we might get a lighter fabric. For the majority of the world (above the equator), we're heading into fall/winter and those fabrics tend to be quite a bit heavier. To get thinner we'd have to wait until next spring.
YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

My initial reactions were as most, which is that this is a vast improvement. But there are some issues. I think there are some competing issues at this scale which most people have voiced by this point, but for me the two things that stand out when I look at Leia's costume are the sheer number of folds/pleats around the belt and the weight, drape of the fabric. Are these things mutually exclusive in a fabric at this scale?

I'm sure chili just has the one Leia and doesn't want to swap back and forth, but seeing the original in the same poses would maybe help put things in perspective. I'll try to dig mine out in the next few days if I can--have her boxed up and buried until we could get this dress.
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Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

I'm willing to wait guys, I'm not liking the T-Shirt texture of this one, nowhere do I see a $150 dress.

I agree with the issues of the neck, sleeves and more bulk in the waist.
Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

Sure would like to hear what Chili has to say, since he actually has this in hand.

Pictures and opinions vary wildly on even perfect figures so... let's hear some facts.
Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

We talked about it last night he said the fabric felt thinner in hand problem it doesn't look thinner.

I tried to get him to pull it over the belt more and to try and get pleating in there more.

Neither can be done unfortunately.
Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

Deposit sent. Thanks for squeezing me in!
Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

heres my overall impressions sitting with it for 24 hours

the tailoring and cut is basically perfect. not really anything i would change aside from a bit more hangover the belt, if we can find a thinner fabric only (otherwise, it would bulk out too much)

I can see the gripes about the collar, and forward that along to yunsil, I personally dont see how she can change it much aside from tightening it a quarter mm or so, but Ill pass it along

Inner sleeve seams, i suppose i can ask for them to just cut the excess fabric a little more, but i think thats something that is there to stay regardless or fabric. Doubling it up is gonna be a huge mistake, trust me.

The fabric weave concerns are WAY overblown by people here too, I took a photo with my iphone 7 to show how the visibility of that weave is due to my full frame dlsr blowing things up

the side slit and sleeve shape is there, and accurate


I think the fabric is good, not great. In NO WAY does it give off a "t shirt" feel in person, but Im sure we can do better. It cant be as thin as her first choice thats now unavailable, as it is translucent, but it could be thinner than it is.

As is, not only is it better than the HT obviously, but also totally smokes the tony meis prototype, and the dress scottyb offered (which i was currently using, my HT dress is in the box back in storage in Calgary, so i cant post a side by side comparison)

the collar can be fixed, and ill tell her our concerns with the fabric, as well as not to bother with the pants
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Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

That's all great to hear. I'm satisfied that you feel in-hand the dress will not look like a 't-shirt'.

So what's the plan here? Are you asking Yunsil about the reality of finding a better fabric in the next couple months? Is there a timetable? And what happens if she simply says "I don't know".... which is what I would say if I was her at this point?
Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

Chilipep66, how is yusil think? is yunsil have confidence to get more thinner or better fabric in the coming period?

If she said that is, no more she can get, ok I respect and have no word, but if she still want to find better fabric, shall we wait more time?

There are 98 peoples who have order this, as I can see now willing to wait peoples is more than hurry up peoples, but to be fair, should we vote for waiting or confirm this one?(of course base on if yunsil still want/can find better fabric)

I don't want to see this project keep pushing by just several members, and need other 90+ members get a hurry up product in final because just full fill several members needed.