YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress SOLD OUT

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Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

Hurry up is a moot point if you ask me.

People are impatient and instant gratification wears. How many Princess Leia dolls over the 300 dollar mark are you going to own in your life? We waited a year? So?... before hot toys put this out what was your best option? Sideshow? You care enough to pay almost the price of the figure for a new dress for your princess doll... waiting a few more weeks or months shouldn't be an issue.

The fabric is unacceptable as is and better than hot toys is not enough. Anything is better than hot toys and from what I've seen and believe me I have every reason to trust the judgment of chilipep as we have literally the same collection and agree on most things... (must be in the DNA)... it's not as good as the tony meis prototype that's where we disagree... I've studied that one a lot tonight and it's superior in most ways, and tony too abandoned the project because he could not find the right fabric... so there must be something to this...and Mike knows how to futz and make things look good. He has a better eye than most, I've borrowed a **** ton of ideas from stuff he's done.

But this is something that's important to me that thing had sat for a year and a half, two years or whatever I looked at it twice sice I got it because i despise the hot toys dress. And it's one of their best heads and probably the only good human head they did.

And we all know yunsil has bit off more than she can chew but she's told us for awhile now she was holding out for the right fabric, I thought it was horse**** and was anxious to rush this. But I've now done a complete 180.

I work in the fabric district of manhattan and I've been an art director creating brand identities for big fashion brands for 10 years... in literally surrounded by fabric all the time. I can go across the street tomorrow and find hundreds of white fabric. I can tell you first hand Asia has hundreds of more options for fabric than the us or even Europe. Many of the mills still come from Italy but lately the synthetic abilities that the Asian factories are able to produce are far better for this scale. It's why even major couture labels are having legal battles because they refuse to put made in China or Korea or Taiwan due to associated stigmas, but a lot of their fabric comes from there.

But at this point I'm going to go across the street tomorrow to see what I can find. I'm not expecting anything. But if I find anything I even remotely feel confident about I'll buy some of the fabric take some pics wrapped around my liea and if we like it send the sample to yunsil to see if she likes it and can work with it, hell I'll get her the fabric myself... All on my own dime and time because I feel so strongly that this is not the right fabric.

If I don't find anything and we let yunsil look for new fabric for the next few weeks (don't worry about fall vs spring fabric, it doesn't work like that trust me you need all types of fabric for ready-to-wear design... they literally use everything for every collection, problem is it just dries up..

It's a ****** job organizing these runs the effort is worth peanuts in the end and people have their pitchforks out so I emplore a bit more patience, worst case scenario? We fall back on this. At least we know we did everything we can to try.
Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

heres my overall impressions sitting with it for 24 hours

the tailoring and cut is basically perfect. not really anything i would change aside from a bit more hangover the belt, if we can find a thinner fabric only (otherwise, it would bulk out too much)

I can see the gripes about the collar, and forward that along to yunsil, I personally dont see how she can change it much aside from tightening it a quarter mm or so, but Ill pass it along

Inner sleeve seams, i suppose i can ask for them to just cut the excess fabric a little more, but i think thats something that is there to stay regardless or fabric. Doubling it up is gonna be a huge mistake, trust me.

The fabric weave concerns are WAY overblown by people here too, I took a photo with my iphone 7 to show how the visibility of that weave is due to my full frame dlsr blowing things up

the side slit and sleeve shape is there, and accurate

View attachment 357413

I think the fabric is good, not great. In NO WAY does it give off a "t shirt" feel in person, but Im sure we can do better. It cant be as thin as her first choice thats now unavailable, as it is translucent, but it could be thinner than it is.

As is, not only is it better than the HT obviously, but also totally smokes the tony meis prototype, and the dress scottyb offered (which i was currently using, my HT dress is in the box back in storage in Calgary, so i cant post a side by side comparison)

the collar can be fixed, and ill tell her our concerns with the fabric, as well as not to bother with the pants

Looks great with this iPhone pic!

If Chili says it's good in-hand - then I'm over the line.

Is it "perfect?" - are we all ever going to agree on what is perfect - no.

But I'm happy to wait, now that cut, etc, seems to be near enough to finalized. But like Wor said, I don't want to be waiting forever on the chance that we "may" find a better fabric.

Good luck tomorrow Raymond - fingers crossed you find something amazing!!!!
Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

Im looking forward to Rays findings as well! Im gonna do some searching myself here tomorrow in Vancouver. I have a friend who owns a clothing line based out of here and he gave me the name of a few good places to source locally.

Were gonna end up with something great here folks, I have no doubt
Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

For what it's worth, I'm in the wait camp. I'm sure Yunsil wants the best product too as it's her rep on the line.
Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

I was thinking about the seams in the sleeves. Could Yunsil use some of the sticky double sided stuff (that she uses for around the bottom hem of trouser legs instead of stitching them), I think it's kind of like double sided tape which isn't sticky until an iron is run over it. It looks like she may have used the stuff for the cuffs on this dress too. Anyhow, could that be used to stick the excess fabric down on either side of the seam- at least it would then lie flat inside the sleeve and not stick up? She'd probably only need to do just past the elbow and would probably be able to iron it flat from the outside.
Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

a possible idea, Ill ask her about the sleeves as well

I do feel compelled to say one thing to those who have said this dress is "nowhere near the asking price" as far as the current prototype goes. We are all in agreement, there are certain flaws that need to be corrected no doubt, but this is also the cheapest yunsil project going right now by basically 50%. With the kind of mods and things being demanded here like this seamless sleeve, intricate pleate stitching, and perfect magical elvin fiber material, we can no longer use the excuse "just a simple white dress"

Some of the suits she has as projects right now may have more pieces, but are basically things she has done a zillion times and are going for 300+. I know there are a lot of new people to customs on this list, and again I just feel compelled to say we are getting a pretty unreal deal on this project as it is. So yes, we will end up with something vastly improved from this prototype, but no, as is, it is not overpriced. My opinion.
Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

Well said, Chili.

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Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

Agreed, the price call out is not justified if you ask me. But it is fair to say this is not yet a yunsil calibre piece.
Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

I don't recall lately seeing anyone say this is a simple dress and that a finished Yunsil-calibre piece is not worth $150. In fact we have almost 100 people who have joined this run to indicate otherwise.

BUT... What a few people have said (& I agree with) is that THIS sample is not a $150 piece. It's not a Yunsil-calibre production. That fabric has got to go, the whole thing is just too sloppy, even if it's "better" than the HT dress.
Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

Yup I think we all agree with that. I think even Yunsil agrees... we didn't buy it and now we all kind of admit we were wrong on this I think.

I think these stores close at 5 today so if i can't get there today I'l try and hit it up tomorrow.
Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

I get that the proto is not to Yunsil standard, with the obvious point of material aside - but it is JUST a prototype. It's a sample to try material and design. By definition prototypes are not production output. I am a bit concerned that we are being hard in Yunsil here when we should be a little more grateful we have options like Yunsil to enhance our collectibles.

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Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

II am a bit concerned that we are being hard in Yunsil here when we should be a little more grateful we have options like Yunsil to enhance our collectibles.

I'm not 'grateful' to the guy that builds custom cabinets for my kitchen. Yunsil is doing a job. That's it.

The hero worship around here gets way too out of hand.
Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

Well all the positive vibes and goodwill in this thread from a couple days ago sure didn't last long. Lol
YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

This world needs more heroes and if a sixth scale dress maker fits the bill I'm on board.

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Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

I'm not 'grateful' to the guy that builds custom cabinets for my kitchen. Yunsil is doing a job. That's it.

The hero worship around here gets way too out of hand.

It does, but... on the other hand, there's no shortage of cabinet makers to pick from if your current guy picks up and leaves in the face of complaints about how long he's taking.
Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

i found something today that was a possible choice. heavier than the proto, but a way less visible weave. the weight of the fabric could lead to a really good drape, but again, i have concerns of it being too thick. ill post comparison shots of the fabric in a bit
Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

Good job, Chili!

Where's Raymond? :(