YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress SOLD OUT

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Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

Wait what? You guys want to be holding a $150 dress that won't have any hope of being resold if a better second run of a new $150 dress comes around?

I'd rather a kick in the nuts.
Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

Wait what? You guys want to be holding a $150 dress that won't have any hope of being resold if a better second run of a new $150 dress comes around?

I'd rather a kick in the nuts.
First off, who's to say it can't be resold? That would be suggesting that only 100 some people in this world have a HT Leia, and they're all on this run, lol. Also suggesting that the dress on the first page is crap. Secondly, who's to say that eventual resale is what the intention is? I've always been down to wait, but $150 also isn't a lot to spend for having that better looking Leia in the additional year or so it might take to have this elusive, better dress. If the other one looks better, I will have that one too. I can deal without the smartass remarks. Sorry you'd rather take a swift kick in the nuts than spend another $150 down the road, lol.

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Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

Again: I'll wait.

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Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

No offense to anyone wanting this dress now but as mentioned hopefully it can be worked out for a wait list and buy now list. I personally cannot afford to pay $150 2 times like others may be able too. I again prefer to be just on the wait list.
Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

First off, who's to say it can't be resold?

If a better dress is going to come in a second run, everyone that wants a dress will jump on that second run, presumably at the same or similar price. Who on earth will want to pay $150 for something that's not as good as what's currently on offer?

If one has multiple Leias to display in ANH gown, they might want both with the same dress. If they only have one then why would anyone want to have TWO dresses?

I'm not being a smart ass at all, just a realist. The fabric on the dress in the first page sucks. It's not at all appropriate. If that's the fabric that's going to be used, then there better not be a second run with better fabric before I can unload it - I won't use it on my figure and will instead find better fabric and have someone else make a dress at some point down the road - whenever that may be.

So ya, a kick in the nuts is better than paying $300 to get one usable dress and another one that's going to sit in a drawer somewhere.

I understand that it's now been about a year since talk of this run started and it might be a year more. Maybe there should be a third option and that's to refund everyone their money and cancel this run. When and if new fabric is found, then a brand new run can be started and if there's demand at that time it proceeds. I'm willing to wait because I know Yunsil does great work and if the dress she produces is going to be "IT" then if I ever want to sell it in the future I'm sure it'll hold its value - and if it's not going to use a great fabric that's exactly my plan - which I've stated a number of times in the past.

Again... Yunsil needs to make ONE dress. It's either make it now with the existing fabric or hold out for better fabric in the future. Not willing to entertain the thought of a temporary dress now with another dress in the future at double the price.
Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

I believe the option was that she would make several for whoever is fine with the current prototype, and then those who don't mind waiting it out will get their dress in a year or so - or however long it takes to find this elusive fabric. I have never, ever, not even once complained about the timeframe on this project. I am a man of patience, and absolutely understand that some things can't happen overnight. I'm a commission painter - I know this all too well. I've got at least 10 Yunsil outfits in my collection. I am an avid fan of her work, and I have complete and utter faith in her ability and what she says.

Now, with that said, when someone else said the current prototype really isn't bad, that we might be wishing we had jumped on it a year from now, that makes a light go off in my head. I go back and take another gander. While the fabric isn't right, it's 100 times better than the POS that's on my Leia now. Aside from an amazing sculpt, the dress HT provided us is so criminally bad, spending $150 now to have my ANH display look that much better is a small price to pay over the course of a year. A second dress will cost me another $150. That's literally no big deal to me.

Where I'm getting at is I guess I don't appreciate being criticized for how me, or anyone else chooses to manage their money and their collection. If it has no effect on you, I don't see a reason to take a dump on their decision.

Also... let's just say when this dress comes along, and I decide I want to unload it, I am guaranteeing you right now that it would sell. There is zero doubt in my mind about that. You have to understand that thousands of people collect HT figures. Obviously not all of them are savvy to the custom game. As much as you say that dress looks like crap, I digress. As I stated earlier, it is not the right material. The ribbed pattern is understandably bothersome to some, and I get that. With that said, however, it does have a rather decent draping quality to it, and it can fold nice giving it that very light appearance it has in the film. I'm in this thing for the long haul, but please don't criticize what someone else chooses to do with their money and their collection. If I'm ok with spending $300 over the course of a year for two dresses, then that's my prerogative. As Forrest would say: "and that's all I've got to say about that."

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Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

I really hope it doesn't take a year to find the material...

Otherwise its going to be a very long year in this thread.
Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

Well, let me add a little more insight to my thought process here since I seem to have started a bit of a crap storm.

Yes, while the current prototype isn't perfect, it sure as he|| is head and shoulders better than the current dress.

My reasoning lies in the fact that Yunsil doesn't really sound like she is confident this better fabric will turn up. Maybe it does...maybe it doesn't. If it doesn't, then what's the plan then??? Just settle for this one anyway?

At this point, we are essentially talking about an interest list cause nothing is confirmed. So let me reevaluate my position: How about refunds for all while maintaining this interest list intact. When/If the unicorn fabric turns up, we all resend the deposits.

...or just take what we got now and maintain a spot on the 2nd run interest list :huh
Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

I'm happy to wait - but if there's an option to pay for two (one now, and one when the mythical material appears - if it ever does), then bring it on.

As a few have mentioned, that version on page one is a million times better than the current HT crap.
Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

Can someone recap here what's going on and what the situation is for people who have already sent in their deposits? Thanks.
Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

Can someone recap here what's going on and what the situation is for people who have already sent in their deposits? Thanks.
Here you go:
update. not a great update, but heres the latest yunsil had to say after me telling her we all agree for the most part this fabric is too thick

If you want thinner fabric, you must wait long time more. about 6 months ~1years.

because It's difficult to find suitable fabric.

You know, This project take a long time. because I didn't find fabric.I never leave your project.

I went to big fabric and local fabric market many times. over 10 times.

I usually don't go big fabric market for project.

because I have a lot of fabric swatch. over 1000 kind of swatch.

but I offen go to big fabric market for unusual project. and I find out unusual fabric within once or twice.

You must know " over 10 times" It is very special.

Big fabric market is too far. so, I can't go there frequently. so, I go Maybe once every 2-3 months.

Can you wait me more?

If you do it, I will find it more.

but I'm not sure when I find out it.

SO, here is what I propose. Personally, I am willing to wait for a better fabric even if it takes this long, but i do definitely understand that some may not want to. Even though this makes way more work for me, I am willing to consider splitting this project into two runs.

For those satisfied with the current swatch, I can place an order using it as a first run, which will guarantee you get it in a timely fasion (the usual 3 months or so after all payments are in)

for anyone else willing to wait, we can hold off till this better fabric is found 6-12 months down the line

for those who choose the first run, there will be NO discounts offered on a 2nd run, its gotta be a choose one or the other type situation.

to ensure this happening at this price, I would need at least 40 on the list to want to move forward with this fabric.

thoughts folks?

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Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

It all boils down to unavailable fabric and most people are willing to wait a year for the right material. After that, all hell breaks loose.

My personal fear is of course getting 80+ people to agree on "the right fabric" even when its found.
Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

It all boils down to unavailable fabric and most people are willing to wait a year for the right material. After that, all hell breaks loose.

My personal fear is of course getting 80+ people to agree on "the right fabric" even if its found.

Fixed it for ya!
Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

Close to being out on this one. In for the wait but also not sure the right fabric is really out there.
Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

So I have to ask if we aren't happy with the orginal and defo dont' want to wait, can we get refund?
Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

Well Yunsil clearly did some work already... but likely not 99 people at $50 each worth. So are you expecting a percentage back? Who figures that percentage?

Something tells me a refund will never work out.