YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress SOLD OUT

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Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

No need for confusion, the "first fabric" was always the best and the one that became unavailable... AND the one we would have gotten had this project moved along as it should and the fabric didn't disappear.

Maybe instead of hoping for a "magic fabric", it would be best if we start considering which provides the best upgrade over the HT dress, which is really the point here...

We have that fabric. It's on the first page.

The plan was that if enough people liked it, then a run would be done with that fabric. Not enough people liked it. Most want to wait. I don't know how many people Chili needs to make that run happen but it seems that most wanted to wait.

The other option is paying for the fabric we all liked that there's now 'too much of'. Hopefully Chili is asking Yunsil what that price is so we can all decide how that effects the $150 price.
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Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

The plan was that if enough people liked it, then a run would be done with that fabric. Not enough people liked it. Most want to wait.

That's not what happened, though. The first fabric, the one that looked good, she said she couldn't get any more of it. She sent along another prototype we could proceed with, but it had a ribbed texture to it that many people didn't like. So that's when people decided to wait; to see if a more suitable fabric could be found, rather than settle for the textured fabric.

Now she's saying the original fabric is available (apparently only in large quantities), but because we've introduced the concept of democracy to this process, people are nitpicking that fabric now.

There will not be a fabric that 100 people will agree is perfect.

Which is why I'm saying, let's stop imagining we're going to find that fabled fabric. If the first fabric sample is the best we're going to get, and Yunsil can get the quantity she needs, then Chili needs to make a call and say "This is the dress, take it or leave it" so we can be done with this already.
Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

You guys are talking like we haven't already seen MUCH better fabric before.
Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

That's not what happened, though. The first fabric, the one that looked good, she said she couldn't get any more of it. She sent along another prototype we could proceed with, but it had a ribbed texture to it that many people didn't like. So that's when people decided to wait; to see if a more suitable fabric could be found, rather than settle for the textured fabric.

Yes, I agree. I thought that's what I said.

... because we've introduced the concept of democracy to this process, people are nitpicking that fabric now.

There will not be a fabric that 100 people will agree is perfect.

Which is why I'm saying, let's stop imagining we're going to find that fabled fabric. If the first fabric sample is the best we're going to get, and Yunsil can get the quantity she needs, then Chili needs to make a call and say "This is the dress, take it or leave it" so we can be done with this already.

And yes, 100% agreed.

I want to know what its going to take to get that 100 yards and get this done already.
Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

I think we can all agree that $150 was a damn good price, yes? So, if she is saying there is now "too much" fabric available (and it's the mythic fabric everyone seemed to be totally enamoured with, and were willing to wait another year to get), then surely the most logical thing would be to up the cost to (say) $160 to cover the excess fabric (that's and extra $1000 - you'd think that would cover the cost? Mind you, she was originally planning on including pants as well).

I don't know about you guys, but the choice of spending $10 more - or waiting an extra year... I'd dance the jig not to have to wait the extra year.

Note to self... in future, never pay for something without seeing a prototype first (where the material is readily available - or already purchased).
Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

How about instead of paying more, Yunsil can just figure it out on her own? If it's too much fabric, do a second run later.
Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

Well, I'm sure Chili's asked the question we all need to know: how much is the excess fabric?

When we get an answer, let's go from there.
Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

With $15000 in sales, she can make the fabric quantity work any number of ways - that's up to her. Just saying. I'm not interested in paying an additional $5 or $10.
Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

Im not keen on paying for any extra fabrics too. She should figure this one out.

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Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

So weird that they wouldn't sell her a smaller amount of the fabric. They must do things really differently over there.

Or maybe we're still misinterpreting her email and the issue really is that they don't have enough fabric, which would make a heckuva lot more sense.
YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

This is absolutely true about scale and weight.

I think wiring in the bottom hem would be a good thing. It would allow you to shape it to create some folds that would mimic some of the draping that won't happen because of that lack of weight.

Wouldn't mind having it in the sleeves as well as they won't fall right from lack of weight either.

People also need to be realistic with the scale, here. The drape you're talking about is the result of weight. At this scale, that means thicker fabric, since we're dealing with six inches waist-to-ground, and not three feet. Thicker fabric causes other problems certain people won't be happy with.

Maybe instead of hoping for a "magic fabric", it would be best if we start considering which provides the best upgrade over the HT dress, which is really the point here...

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Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

Or maybe we're still misinterpreting her email and the issue really is that they don't have enough fabric, which would make a heckuva lot more sense.

That was my initial read... but I'm sure Chili is inquiring.

Maybe Yunsil can use the extra material to do a small run of Princess dresses from the end of ANH?
Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

haha, interesting, my initial reaction was that there wasnt enoguh fabric. Ive asked her to clarify that statement, as well as ask how much 100 yards actually produces in the dress

the comment about the weight and magic fabric here is dead on. From what i saw, this fabric is as close as it could possibly be. it has a weight, but is light, and has no weave. Its not as heavy as the previous prototype, but its overall loads better.

On the sample she gave me, the tailoring itself was wrong, much too tight, but I could certainly see it was the best.

if we can talk her into buying this larger quantity, looks like we are for sure getting the pants too.. gotta use it up somewhere

Wor, an interesting idea about the dress from the end, but I dont think we even need to go there. We all paid deposits, waited and contributed to this project we were assured would be no problem from the beginning. I dont want to have to make any more damn trips to the post office ever ever again for another tiny dress.. lol
Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

That was my initial read... but I'm sure Chili is inquiring.

Maybe Yunsil can use the extra material to do a small run of Princess dresses from the end of ANH?
The dress at the end of new hope! This I want!!

Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk
Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

haha, interesting, my initial reaction was that there wasnt enoguh fabric. Ive asked her to clarify that statement, as well as ask how much 100 yards actually produces in the dress

the comment about the weight and magic fabric here is dead on. From what i saw, this fabric is as close as it could possibly be. it has a weight, but is light, and has no weave. Its not as heavy as the previous prototype, but its overall loads better.

On the sample she gave me, the tailoring itself was wrong, much too tight, but I could certainly see it was the best.

if we can talk her into buying this larger quantity, looks like we are for sure getting the pants too.. gotta use it up somewhere

Wor, an interesting idea about the dress from the end, but I dont think we even need to go there. We all paid deposits, waited and contributed to this project we were assured would be no problem from the beginning. I dont want to have to make any more damn trips to the post office ever ever again for another tiny dress.. lol

Why make her do the extra work when it isn't needed?
Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

The dress at the end of new hope! This I want!!

See... :D

Why make her do the extra work when it isn't needed?

Yeah, I agree, skip the pants. Its a waste. Make sure the hood is big enough and the dress blousy enough, that will eat up material.
Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

Pants are worth it if the dress is a bit see through. Otherwise they're worthless. But aren't we already paying for pants no matter what?
Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

Pants are worth it if the dress is a bit see through. Otherwise they're worthless. But aren't we already paying for pants no matter what?

But then what about her top-half?
Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

Pants are worth it if the dress is a bit see through.

What? Why? She didn't wear pants. And her gown was a bit sheer.

I remember you could see her nubs quite clearly in the theater in 1977 when she's bouncing down the hall to greet Vader.