YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress SOLD OUT

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Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

Here's a solution: Yunsil wants to pay for 20 yards of 100 yards, or 1/5th the price. She wants to pay $120. That means there's $480 left over. Divided by 100 people, that's an additional $4.80 per person to cover her costs.

I don't mind paying an additional $4.80 to make this happen now with the fabric we all liked.
Good solution - I'd be up for that
Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

Agreed, $4.80 more per person/order to get the fabric now seems like the easiest solution.
Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

$0 per person is the easiest solution. Let's see how that plays out first before volunteering to hand over another $500.

When you're trying to get out of a hole, you don't keep digging.
Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

I'm with Pixel on this. So we pass on this fabric because we have to buy more than is desired. We wait and if we are lucky another fabric shows up in the right quantity. But this fabric costs more than the other. Do we then hold up because now it's not just the quality and amount but perfect price as well? Because thats what we are talking here. Buying more of the fabric is really just an increase in the fabric we needs cost. And given the size of the run it seem a very minor cost of doing business for a project plagued with problems.
Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

I'm in for the extra 4.80.

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Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

Actually, canceling the project and everyone just eats the $50 nrd is the easiest. Not the best solution but the easiest and quickest. How many more months are reasonable to wait for the perfect fabric in the perfect quantity at the perfect price?
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Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

I have to say I agree -- buy the 100 yards for $600 while you can get it.

$50 x 100 people = $5,000 in hand now

$150 x 100 people = $15,000 when the project is finished.

$600 is very little relatively.

Does the fact that most of us have been waiting nearly a year count for nothing on our part? I don't want to wait for the ideal yardage any more than I want to wait for the magic fabric that may never come.

Here's a solution: Yunsil wants to pay for 20 yards of 100 yards, or 1/5th the price. She wants to pay $120. That means there's $480 left over. Divided by 100 people, that's an additional $4.80 per person to cover her costs.

I don't mind paying an additional $4.80 to make this happen now with the fabric we all liked.

Personally, I'd happily pay $50 more to get this thing over and done with.
YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

Pixel, Wor, others who are responding to Yunsil's latest email:
I think there is a misunderstanding about Yunsil's latest communication.
The way it reads to me is that she prefers to buy 20 yards, is willing to jump on 100 yards, but it's only distributed in 800 yards. So she's waiting for someone else to buy 800 yards so she can offer to buy 20 to 100 yards from that buyer.
"Do't sell small amount" ---- correct.

They sell over 800 yard. It's price is $4800.

So, I will wait.

Someone order it, and then They can sell remaining fabric(small amount) for me.

...So, I must be wait patiently. and I must be contact to they and ask them " Do you have it? and can you sell to me only 20yards? or Can I order 100yards?"

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Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

**** it, id pay another $4.80, it feels like a waiting game now based on what yunsil said, if no one buys the fabric, then we wont ever see this get made.
Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

Who said non refundable?

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As I can see in this forum now, and the past project I remember/ I have joined,
there many projects start collect deposit without any prototype have been show, and Yunsil now already made 4-5 prototype for this here...

I'm ok for the extra 4.80 if everyone agree
Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

So she's waiting for someone else to buy 800 yards so she can offer to buy 20 to 100 yards from that buyer.

I understood from this latest and previous email that she believes that they might sell her 100 yards. So my proposal is to just tell her to ask for 100 yards and see what's what right now rather than waiting any longer.
Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

I understood from this latest and previous email that she believes that they might sell her 100 yards. So my proposal is to just tell her to ask for 100 yards and see what's what right now rather than waiting any longer.

Chilipep, Let's do that.

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Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

guys, I cant make her buy that.. Id have to buy it myself.

Also, this "only 600" dollar logic just doesnt make sense. The fact that I paid in advance for half the run doesnt change the fact that her buying 4 times as much fabric as she has use for is a feasible possibility. yea, it would only be 600 dollars more than what I paid her, but why on earth would she use her profit from this run to buy 80 useless yards of fabric??
Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

here is my last reply after telling her we are all very anxious to see this complete. i also asked if this fabric had a name or number i could try to source somewhere else.

I told you. I need only 20 yards of 100 set.

It don't have a name.

You just have to find very thin and soft fabric.

but It is difficult to find that's fabric. It is never easy.

I can buy little thick fabric that you shown photo. It is easy.

In korea, Big fabric market is very large.

so, Many oversea buyer come here and deal.

If you find fabric and send to me, I really happy.

If you don't want to wait more, You pay $4800 of 800 yards. I will start now your project. (separately Shipping costs)

but I don't want to do that.
Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

Understood. I'll continue to wait patiently. I'm certain this project (even with its' setbacks) will be a phenomenal replacement dress for Hot Toys Leia. I'm excited!

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Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

So she's clarifying that they only sell this fabric in the full 800 yards. Is that correct, Chili?

Truthfully Chili, that doesn't make any sense to me. Especially considering where she is, $4800 is a small fortune. But whatever, that is her response so there it is.
Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

why on earth would she use her profit from this run to buy 80 useless yards of fabric??

Because if she doesn't, and people start getting pissed off, people will start going to PayPal for their money back. That's going to come from your account.

Because she has delayed this project without adequate communication beyond all reasonable expectations.

Because it's her good name on the line.

I can probably come up with more. At the end of the day it's her responsibility to deliver the dress that was ordered with a suitable fabric. It's not our problem nor concern how much fabric she has to order to get that done. That's part of doing business, and anyone with half a clue about running a business of any kind knows this and plans or deals with consequences.

Literally every time she sends a message the waters get muddier and the whole situation looks worse. She's saying right there in the latest message that she knew all along that it was difficult to find suitable fabric. "but It is difficult to find that's fabric. It is never easy" - well, maybe that would have been some good info for her to share, and a problem to take care of, before taking any money.
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