YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress SOLD OUT

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Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

Yup. A lesson learnt for me too. I don't care how good anyone's "name" is, if I don't see a prototype (that 100%) can be manufactured when specified (in-hand fabrics used on the prototype that are readily available), I'll never buy a custom again.

I'm happy for everyone who is comfortable that this is "normal," in the custom world, but not in my world. Maybe I was spoilt by my Jnix experience, but as far as I'm concerned, that's how a true professional should conduct themselves.
Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

in the time since this thread started, I've seen a few people front the proto cost on their own before starting the run, but that was NOT the norm 7 months ago since the inception of these types of runs. Like Ive said many times here, Im DONE with this after this.

Through this delay, we've learned a lot more about Yunsils inner workings that never really came to light before when it comes to finding matierals, and the limitations that now come into play the more picky we get. Im all for being picky too, I own a few yunsil outfits I love but could have benefitted from different matierals, namely the Michael Corleone grey suit and Connery goldfinger suit.

Now that we request more revisions, the perfect fabric and color, all recent projects have taken nearly twice as long to finish as before. Now we know the fabric is out there, and theres a good chance we will be getting it soon when a smaller amount is available. This all seems like good news to me, especially compared to where we were a few weeks back

Im also updating you guys constantly (which is more than I can say for others who have 100+ on projects not moving) showing exactly what the replies are. NO ONE is gonna get ripped off here, we all just have to be patient. At the end of the day, we are all gonna have something we are satisfied with.
Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

Thanks for the update, chilipep.

I think some of it comes down to the language barrier with some of her emails and some misunderstandings/assumptions. I'm guessing most don't think she should buy $4800 worth of material when she only needs 1/40th of it for the job. It sounds like she admitted she would buy the 100 yards if that's all that was available, so that's good.
Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

Yeah I think if there's anyone here who really deserves to be irritated by this entire situation, it's Chilipep. ;)
Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

Just want to say somethings from my experience in my country that about finding fabrics to make cloths if you're just small custom made workshop.

The fabrics industry is not like buy a beer in a store that you can buy a same brand anytime,

Fabrics,sometimes it only have several roll in market, that's is, once it gone, It's very hard (or never) to find the same one.

Will you buy the right fabrics first (on different 10 projects) before you even don't know how many peoples will join in the project?or without received any deposit? this is the real business.

It's quite not appropriate use a head sculpture project to compare on cloths project.
Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

I don't envy you, Chili, but you've been the one bright spot on this troublesome project.

As you know, I've always been hesitant to jump on customs projects for just this reason -- ironically here I am. Like you, this is pretty much my swan song for this type of thing. I do like my Connery Goldfinger suit though.

I do hope this will get resolved soon.
Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

This seems appropriate with recent news:


The waiting is the hardest part
Every day you get one more yard (or 100?)
You take it on faith, you take it to the heart
The waiting is the hardest part
Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

Ha! Clever.

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Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP


Oh already did....
Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

Looking to sell my spot. Want to get out of this project.
Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

Planning to make my spot available, but I'll likely wait until something concrete is shown so that there are others willing to take the spot.
Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

The decent thing to do would be to offer refunds to those wanting to pull out. Otherwise it'll be like trying to sell a spot on the Titanic after it has hit the iceberg.
Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

Yeah, I'd be down with a refund at this point. All confidence in this project is gone :)

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Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

I'm confident that the final product will not be a Titanic sinking iceberg.
I believe this dress will be highly sought after. My anticipation is high! No way am I jumping off this project.

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Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

You guys can have the one with the current material now if you want. It was and is still being offered.

I saw it in person last night... it IS still highly better than that original POS.

The materials she is trying to get, which I also saw in person last night is undeniably the right one. And she’s found it again she’s just trying to work out a way to get a smaller yardage. If everyone wants to pay over double for this thing we can also go that route but I doubt that’s the case.

The refunds are impossible at this point guys. Sorry. It’s gone to yunsil... The organizer of the runs is not going to take out of pocket hits because the manufacturer has delays.

It’s not a “titanic” or anything dramatic like that, we all need to chill a little and have confidence. We have all waited longer for things in this hobby and paid far more than 150 bucks for a yunsil item.

There’s another thread(s) out there, namely joker, who’s as delayed and not having material issues or any delays (that I’m aware of) from an equally as trustworthy and good natured run organizer with an ask for a far bigger deposit on the line which is a lot less chaotic.

There’s no way in hell I’d deal with a run. I give all run organizers a lot of credit.

Also what chilipep is pocketing for this is about enough to get him a cup of coffee while he pays the fuel to the post office to mail all those things.. when inevitable it will happen.
Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

You guys can have the one with the current material now if you want. It was and is still being offered.

I saw it in person last night... it IS still highly better than that original POS.

The materials she is trying to get, which I also saw in person last night is undeniably the right one. And she’s found it again she’s just trying to work out a way to get a smaller yardage. If everyone wants to pay over double for this thing we can also go that route but I doubt that’s the case.

The refunds are impossible at this point guys. Sorry. It’s gone to yunsil... The organizer of the runs is not going to take out of pocket hits because the manufacturer has delays.

It’s not a “titanic” or anything dramatic like that, we all need to chill a little and have confidence. We have all waited longer for things in this hobby and paid far more than 150 bucks for a yunsil item.

There’s another thread(s) out there, namely joker, who’s as delayed and not having material issues or any delays (that I’m aware of) from an equally as trustworthy and good natured run organizer with an ask for a far bigger deposit on the line which is a lot less chaotic.

There’s no way in hell I’d deal with a run. I give all run organizers a lot of credit.

Also what chilipep is pocketing for this is about enough to get him a cup of coffee while he pays the fuel to the post office to mail all those things.. when inevitable it will happen.

Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

You guys can have the one with the current material now if you want. It was and is still being offered.

I saw it in person last night... it IS still highly better than that original POS.

The materials she is trying to get, which I also saw in person last night is undeniably the right one. And she’s found it again she’s just trying to work out a way to get a smaller yardage. If everyone wants to pay over double for this thing we can also go that route but I doubt that’s the case.

The refunds are impossible at this point guys. Sorry. It’s gone to yunsil... The organizer of the runs is not going to take out of pocket hits because the manufacturer has delays.

It’s not a “titanic” or anything dramatic like that, we all need to chill a little and have confidence. We have all waited longer for things in this hobby and paid far more than 150 bucks for a yunsil item.

There’s another thread(s) out there, namely joker, who’s as delayed and not having material issues or any delays (that I’m aware of) from an equally as trustworthy and good natured run organizer with an ask for a far bigger deposit on the line which is a lot less chaotic.

There’s no way in hell I’d deal with a run. I give all run organizers a lot of credit.

Also what chilipep is pocketing for this is about enough to get him a cup of coffee while he pays the fuel to the post office to mail all those things.. when inevitable it will happen.