YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress SOLD OUT

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Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

For some reason I thought someone was saying they were part of the original costume. I don't see pants here though.

Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

Yeah, you can clearly see her skin tone through it (her arms) in the 1st Vader scene.
Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

Clearly longer than that... :(
Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

Excuse my ignorance with customs (as I have only bought the Jnix Han, Luke and Ben heads), but what is the normal procedure?

I find it odd that $5000USD has been deposited a year ago with nothing on the horizon. Where does that money go - Chili or Yunsil? What exactly, has it paid for? What happens to the interest earned on that money?

Sorry if I'm being totally oblivious to how things "work," but the more I think about it, the more bizarre this whole thing has been from an "outsiders" perspective; the Jnix's were very logical and straight forward.
Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

Excuse my ignorance with customs (as I have only bought the Jnix Han, Luke and Ben heads), but what is the normal procedure?

I find it odd that $5000USD has been deposited a year ago with nothing on the horizon. Where does that money go - Chili or Yunsil? What exactly, has it paid for? What happens to the interest earned on that money?

Sorry if I'm being totally oblivious to how things "work," but the more I think about it, the more bizarre this whole thing has been from an "outsiders" perspective; the Jnix's were very logical and straight forward.

chili paid about $500 for the proto. He's sitting on the rest. This is not normal procedure. Typically, deposits are taken after a proto is shown.

You should probably ask for a refund.
Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

chili paid about $500 for the proto. He's sitting on the rest. This is not normal procedure. Typically, deposits are taken after a proto is shown.

You should probably ask for a refund.

nothing about this run has been "normal procedure" but that is a false statement youve just made

first of all, like "normal procedure" the deposits are non refundable. I paid a prototype fee of $500, as well as paid the initial order of a run of 50 (which was where it was capped at the time before carrie fisher died)

I put out the cash in advance to move the project along since it was stalling and people were getting frustrated

then, after Carrie died, the interest spiked, and i opened up orders again, taking deposits which recouped by advancing of paying the first half of the run.

After all of that, im still in the minus here until we get this finished.
Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

as for a more important update. heres the latest to clear the confusion

I'm sorry.

"Do't sell small amount" ---- correct.

They sell over 800 yard. It's price is $4800.

So, I will wait.

Someone order it, and then They can sell remaining fabric(small amount) for me.

I hope that I buy it for small amount.
and I need only about 20yards for leia.

but They will sell over 100yards to me.

If fortune smiles upon me, I will buy only 20yards.

So, I must be wait patiently. and I must be contact to they and ask them " Do you have it? and can you sell to me only 20yards? or Can I order 100yards?"

Please wait me and Wish me luck!
Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

Thanks for update Chilipep! I don't envy you running this project but thanks for doing it :duff

Sending Yunsil luck and good fortune as commanded
Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

or Can I order 100yards?"

Just ask her to get 100 yards right away if possible. It's may only be $600 going by the price she mentioned and she'll need more than 20 yards to deal with future orders anyway - there would be more people jumping on this if the run weren't stuck with these problems. She might even be able to sell some to Tony Mei. Or F'it - ask her to contact Tony to buy fabric from him in a smaller quantity as she suggested.

She's sitting on more than enough cash that what's happening right now with respect to "waiting around and see" is absolutely unacceptable.
Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

The point is apparently they don't break things up under 100 yards. So she couldn't split the order with any other hypothetical needed of 50 yards of other fabric.

As far as having to for future runs, trust me, it's this run and OVER. I need this out of my life.
Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

My point wasn't that she split the order, that was simply a "could be nice." My point is that $600 is small potatoes compared to the money she's already holding, let alone what she'll collect when the balances are paid. There's absolutely no reason to make almost 100 people wait because she's trying to get 20 yards. I don't actually care if she uses the remaining yardage - she can burn it as far as I'm concerned. :)

I'm pretty confident that Tony's run would have had enough people to move forward if Yunsil had communicated right away she didn't have the fabric and had no idea when/if she would ever have it.

I didn't mind waiting until better fabric was found, but now that it has, even if it costs a bit more for her to get it because she has to buy more than she needs, so be it. That's on her. Time to get moving or we'll just be watching people moan and flipping deposits here for a few more months. No sense in prolonging the disgruntled vibe as some of it's going to come back directed at you, which is unfortunate but nonetheless true.
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Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

I have to say I agree -- buy the 100 yards for $600 while you can get it.

$50 x 100 people = $5,000 in hand now

$150 x 100 people = $15,000 when the project is finished.

$600 is very little relatively.

Does the fact that most of us have been waiting nearly a year count for nothing on our part? I don't want to wait for the ideal yardage any more than I want to wait for the magic fabric that may never come.

Here's a solution: Yunsil wants to pay for 20 yards of 100 yards, or 1/5th the price. She wants to pay $120. That means there's $480 left over. Divided by 100 people, that's an additional $4.80 per person to cover her costs.

I don't mind paying an additional $4.80 to make this happen now with the fabric we all liked.
Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

I feel for you chili. You made a really nice effort and not getting your due for that. This should be enjoyable all around.

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