YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress SOLD OUT

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Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

Many have told me not to compare my only custom-work experience of the Jnix Han, Luke and Ben head sculpts, to this type custom-work as "things work differently."

Well I've just ordered a custom Blade Runner 2049 Agent K life-size jacket replica from RPF, and again, I must have just got really lucky, because that has been equal to, or beyond, any level of professionalism I've ever come across, regardless or industry, or size of job.

The vendor has his custom maker that he frequently uses. The vendor paid for the prototype himself - AND - the insane amount of changes/requests from buyers, to ensure the accuracy was as close to the real thing as humanly possible. The vendor never got annoyed or frustrated, as he was in total control of both the customer requests/feedback, and the maker. The vendor has kept to his ETA's (so far - and is 100% on track to deliver as promised), with constant (almost daily) feedback to questions/requests. And only when the product was 95% approved by all customers did he take one cent for orders. Even after taking orders he was still striving to get it even more accurate - and has excelled in doing so. They are selling for $325 and he has almost sold through his second run in only a week.

Clearly I should buy a lotto ticket, because "this isn't normal" in the custom world.

But hang on... "Yunsil is so amazing, and in such demand, that she has so must work on." And there's my point; if she can't deliver - don't take on the extra work. That's why Tony Mei shelved his Leia dress at the time, because he was snowed under. Guess he operates "differently" too?
Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

Latest info from Yunsil

went to big fabric market in last week.
I visited shop and asked it. but they don't have it still.
I tried to find new fabric.
I find out simmilar fabric. our staff will buy it soon. It will arrive within 1-2 weeks.

Hopefully this is the week where Yunsil receives this new similar fabric.
Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

I keep coming in here thinking... "woah, this is the week these are going to ship"

Not really. :) Fingers crossed there are no sequins on this new fabric.
Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

Rattle the cage? Why? Why why why is this even necessary? If I were Yunsil and I saw some of these threads - more specifically this one, I swear I'd blacklist some of you guys. Rattling someone's cage doesn't make them want to do ANYTHING for you. Such complete lack of etiquette is deplorable coming from grown men. Yunsil is an artist and deserves to be treated as such.

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Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

Rattle the cage? Why? Why why why is this even necessary? If I were Yunsil and I saw some of these threads - more specifically this one, I swear I'd blacklist some of you guys. Rattling someone's cage doesn't make them want to do ANYTHING for you. Such complete lack of etiquette is deplorable coming from grown men. Yunsil is an artist and deserves to be treated as such.

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I'm not involved in this particular project but well said. I understand when things take awhile we all tend to get antsy but no need to rattle cages or ruffle feathers.
Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

Yunsil is always very busy and with an extensive pile of projects ongoing. ‘Rattling the cage” won’t change her business priorities. Just sit tight... she will deliver as she always does.
Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

Yunsil is always very busy and with an extensive pile of projects ongoing. ‘Rattling the cage” won’t change her business priorities. Just sit tight... she will deliver as she always does.

Well spoken jra.
Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

Rattle the cage? Why? Why why why is this even necessary? If I were Yunsil and I saw some of these threads - more specifically this one, I swear I'd blacklist some of you guys. Rattling someone's cage doesn't make them want to do ANYTHING for you. Such complete lack of etiquette is deplorable coming from grown men. Yunsil is an artist and deserves to be treated as such.

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I'm not involved in this particular project but well said. I understand when things take awhile we all tend to get antsy but no need to rattle cages or ruffle feathers.

Whoa, pitch forks down... is 'rattle the cage' really that offensive? I meant it like 'wake the beast'.

I know T-square, don't know the other guy, and I take great offense by these comments... particularly from you, Thomas. You should know me better, and that I meant no disrespect if you've been following this thread. I've been keeping a fairly middle of the road stance on this whole thing.

But that said, I am growing tired of the long delays and minimal communication when questions are asked on a project that is well behind its estimate.

Yunsil took a long time to respond to Chili regarding material Ray found on his own time, then when she did respond she said she found her own material and would have it (or let us know) in 1-2 weeks. I believe that was nearly 4 weeks ago. I just want to know what the verdict is on the new material, and if its no good, perhaps we can get moving on Ray's material (if that's still an option -- perhaps that material is gone now too).
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Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

Bruce and Rachel liked to rattle cages. Look how that turned out.

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Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

I really didn't mean it in a negative way. Its just a phrase I tend to use to get things moving.
Well I am not meaning to offend either, man. A poor choice of words can be taken any number of ways these days, you know that. So I do apologize if I offended you, man, but it is a touchy area for me being a commission artist myself. No one likes to be prodded, and if there is a delay, more times than not, there is a good reason for it. Delays happen for tons of reasons, ranging from life happening, sheer volume of work, or in our case - stumped and ill equipped for a project. I can't imagine the weight of running a small empire like Toribox. Just because you've become popular and as a result, larger, it doesn't mean it's a factory, you know? I can tell you from personal experience that when I am constantly prodded for updates, not only does it get annoying, but it reaches a point where you just want to get it done so you can get said person the hell off your back. Your heart is not in it the same way it would be for someone who understands things can take time, and understands there's a human being on the other end. I am positive Yunsil isn't taking her good old time for the hell of it. This thing hasn't been done because she hasn't found a fabric that is up to her standards. A real artist never wants to compromise their work and their name. So with that said, I get bent out of shape when I see the artist not getting the respect they deserve when it's a reputable artist like Yunsil.

Wor-Gar, I apologize for offending you, but it was more of a blanket statement, and you just simply said the words that prompted me to throw in my two cents. Give Yunsil a break, guys. Our Leia figures aren't standing there naked on our shelves. She will surely deliver, and when she does, we can put this crap behind us. The new dress will be so badass that the wait will be worth it.

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Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

Alright, Thomas, thank you, and I get it. Like I said, I've been keeping a fairly moderate position on this, just trying to move it along when possible and offer suggestions. So I felt a bit attacked by your words. But I won't take it personally.

In any event, I still hope Chili will reach out to Yunsil based on her last email to check in and see if that material is a contender. Otherwise, we still have Ray's material as an option (though Yunsil never stated whether she wanted a sample or not I don't believe).
Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

Alright, Thomas, thank you, and I get it. Like I said, I've been keeping a fairly moderate position on this, just trying to move it along when possible and offer suggestions. So I felt a bit attacked by your words. But I won't take it personally.

In any event, I still hope Chili will reach out to Yunsil based on her last email to check in and see if that material is a contender. Otherwise, we still have Ray's material as an option (though Yunsil never stated whether she wanted a sample or not I don't believe).
Yes, thank you. Please do not take it personally. But yes, I'm sure Chili will reach out when he feels it is necessary. I wanna see this thing move along just as bad as the next guy.... I've just got too much other crap going on in my life where I tend to forget about the stupid number of projects I've thrown down on. My silver lining is at least she's not naked.... or headless.

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Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

Sit tight, this isn't going anywhere until after spring.