YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress SOLD OUT

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Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

Said it all along - she's an unprofessional piece of **** that took us for a ride with every lame excuse under the sun because she was so backlogged.

Logic and deduction are normally the right answers when you can see past your emotions.

$5000 - not enough????

**** of a human being.

I am most certain all of the deposit money did not go to her. She charges a set amount for a prototype fee which was paid. She’s not sitting there laughing with 5k in deposit money... so her resistance to further revise is justified.

I have many outfits done by her...all well done and delivered. I have sometimes waited years to get a finished product, so I don’t even bat an eye at this. Everyone needs to calm down and wait this out.
Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

Everyone needs to calm down and wait this out.

When you say you are going to do "X" and don't do it, that's crap. Unprofessional. You do whatever it takes on your end to get the product right, or don't take people's money.

I don't need to calm down. It's B.S.
Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

For what it's worth, Tony Mei is *NOT* doing the Leia dress. He just told me he has no plans to revisit it. Regardless of past statements.

So I guess I'm forced to swallow a turd and wait on this debacle. Unless someone else knows of other options.
Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

I am most certain all of the deposit money did not go to her. She charges a set amount for a prototype fee which was paid. She’s not sitting there laughing with 5k in deposit money... so her resistance to further revise is justified.

I have many outfits done by her...all well done and delivered. I have sometimes waited years to get a finished product, so I don’t even bat an eye at this. Everyone needs to calm down and wait this out.

:goodpost: exactly this. I completely understand all the frustrations at the delays as I would also love to finish off my Leia figure sooner rather than later too but I'm glad we held out for better frabric (which this this looks to be). I kind of get where she is coming from with the proto situation as she has already done a few for us and we have (as far as I'm aware) only paid for one - though I agree it's not ideal. I also don't think she is sitting on the complete deposit amount as usually she only requests a set amount to cover her expense to work on the initial proto and to secure your spot on the queue (the rest is to lock in the interested parties so we all know the number of units we will be purchasing as a group and so have peace of mind of knowing what bracket in the price estimate we are looking at for final cost).Anyways, I've been in on numerous Yunsil projects and whilst they all take a long time (some longer than others) she has always delivered and I've always been satisfied with the end product so far.

Yunsil has several projects years old that haven't been delivered. The Jango projects keep popping up.

I thought the issue of "if" she would deliver wasn't in question. What is in question was WHEN.

Most folks know customs take quite some time to complete. Even longer when there's no clear timeline. Doesn't matter if it's 6 months, 1 year or more. As long as we know what to expect, no worries.

Not sure you have the right premise here. No one is complaining...I don't think. Just asking for updates. Particularly when we've missed the very first deadline by a country mile :eek:hbfrank:

I think we all know these things have quite a bit of Kentucky Windage. That's just part of the creative process. But missing a date by months with no update :huh There's really no reason for that.

I think it was around page 50, beginning of May ‘17 when i personally started to question the timeline Yunsil was stating after she missed the “first project of the new year” deadline. I even suggested later on that we go with the fabric she had in hand but all that fell on deaf ears I think. Chilli has done a masterful job with managing this project and my hat goes off to you for it.

Yunsil has just simply entered into the realm we often see most talented reasonably priced customizers enter into...they simply underestimate how long a project(s) will take. So when one project has missed a deadline, there’s little chance the following projects will absorb that delay and stay on schedule.

...and we still don’t have an estimated time of delivery.
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Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

Look guys it’s painful... it has been painful... but it’s going to be good it’s going to be better than anything Tony would have done (no disrespect to him but it’s true) and god knows we have been sitting with that hunk of crap on the hot toys for so long.

You’ve paid a deposit so just for over the rest and it will be over soon.

And you know you all will be buying from yunsil in the future.

It doesn’t mean your anger is not justified though!!
Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

The end is near.

As the great man, Red Leader, once said: ...Almost there...

***Hold on Craig, don't throw in the towel! I'm with you 100%, but we've waited this long. As unprofessional as she is, just get the product, be happy that you don't have to look at that hideous HT version any longer, and make your stance after this one has been delivered. You might regret it otherwise, sir.

Yes, hang tight. Your Leia needs this. Imagine, you'll be one of only 100 that has a Princess Leia as she was meant to be.
Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

I’m personally not angry. This isn’t unexpected. She has the majority of cut & sew customs in this section of the board and most have taken a year or more it seems. My only complaint is that she should be honest as much as possible with her delivery times or at least give proper updates when she misses deadlines. This is a perfect example why guys do get angry. She states she’s sending another prototype, then waits weeks to say...”I’m not sending it.” So not only are the updates few and far between, she’s also giving out false ones too. One could easily come to a conclusion that she is stalling...or worse :horror

She’d be better off just saying I’m backed up and this’ll be more than a year before finish date. That allows guys to go into this eyes wide open. If they choose to give her $50 for a year with nothing in hand to show for it, they made the decision knowing all the details. As it stands, they could’ve used that money to fund other projects that will deliver before this one.
Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

I just had a look at my Leia and that dress is awful. Awful from HT. Patience comes easy.

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YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

Everyone should just reread this thread for a refresher. Has everyone forgotten that we, as the consumers, chose not to go with the second prototype? Yunsil was willing to do a run about a year ago, but we weren’t satisfied with the material. On top of that, Chili offered to split the run for those who didn’t want to wait and were willing to go with the imperfect fabric. Geez, we are the reason for the extra year delay.
We should expect to reap what we’ve sown. Let’s show appreciation for Yunsil sewing what she sews.

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Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

She kind of changed the rules on me here. She said she didn’t want to send me the prototype and then have it get here and ya want changes again, so she asked for me to request changes on my current old prototype first (sleeve length, dress length, collar etc) and then give her those exact measurements.

I was a little upset about this too, but she said she’s never done a project where she gave out 2 prototypes (she’s actually already given me 3) when only one is paid for. So I’ve just got home from a trip and will double check everything and report back to you guys as far as revisions go

Also feel free to post your two cents again here

So what happens from here?
YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

How about instead of all this stupid arguing we just get the measurements we want. People get it, y’all angry.
That being said I’m selling my dress when I get it.... in 2019. HMU.

We want the dress to be past the feet (unbunched) right? So the overall length should be a little longer than the HT dress I feel. This way, it’s a little bit above the foot but not over the ankle, after the bunching above the belt. In order to do this, we need to measure the overall length of the HT dress, unbunched, and add a good few extra mm to it. Iirc I felt that the dress on the HT was a little too short. Then we need to measure the arm length, chest width, etc.
This is, of course, if the old prototype was sized to the same size as the HT dress.
If not, you’ve read this far! Congrats.

I sold my Leia a long time ago, but I thought this might help someone who has the HT dress in getting the measurements going. We need to work with Chili here. If we have no problems with the length of the prototype, we’re good to go. Simple as that.

Let’s just finish this.

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Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

Great. After looking at the prototype again, I’m happy with how the prototype looks in terms of length and width. The length, I feel, is PERFECT. So I’m ready to go.

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Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

Everyone should just reread this thread for a refresher. Has everyone forgotten that we, as the consumers, chose not to go with the second prototype? Yunsil was willing to do a run about a year ago, but we weren’t satisfied with the material. On top of that, Chili offered to split the run for those who didn’t want to wait and were willing to go with the imperfect fabric. Geez, we are the reason for the extra year delay.
We should expect to reap what we’ve sown. Let’s show appreciation for Yunsil sewing what she sews.

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Yup...we were given a choice and the general consensus was to wait however long it took for the perfect/better fabric. So good, bad or indifferent, we democratically chose to wait.
YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

I’d prefer a few more millimeters of upper dress length than the prototype. That would give a tad more material to hang over the belt.

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Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP


1. few more millimeters on length
2. tighten collar (less bulky in material)

I'm assuming that's what you meant, Ray, on the collar.
Re: YUNSIL Princess Leia white dress PROTOTYPE PICS UP

Excuse my ignorance, but cant a new fabric that behaves differently require different measurements? Just saying... I say demand a final prototype and if she hasnt been paid all the deposit ask how much of the funds it'd take for a final proto. (Not more money overall). And what I find utter ******** is her saying "its in the mail" and then says "I'm not doing it gimme more money". Thats simply unprofessional and a scam. I dont apreciate being lied to by no one.