1/6th Alex Ross Joker sculpt

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These are going to have a neck? I ask because my Joker body needs a sculpted neck for the head. I'm still in pending final sculpt. Thanks.
Not sure if you have good reference pictures of Alex Ross's Joker but this is from his book which I think looks amazing.

Thanks Emma! That should help alot. I saw a wip of this and let me say....he is shaping up nicely! Waiting on some better pictures, then you guys will be the first to know.

Also got word that a hatted version will be available too!
Re: 1/6th Alex Ross Joker sculpt WIP

agree with the symmetry aspect being off, but i understand its a WIP and its looking great so far
Re: 1/6th Alex Ross Joker sculpt WIP

Very nice hard to tell whats off from a teaser.
Re: 1/6th Alex Ross Joker sculpt WIP better pictures

Tweaked a bit more, the mouth still needs alot of work. Please express your opinion on the sculpt.
Re: 1/6th Alex Ross Joker sculpt WIP better pictures

Not even close to be completely honest. While the sculptor has talent, all of his sculpts look like old, ugly boxers that took one to many to the face. That works on some characters like Wolverine, but it didn't work for me on Gambit and its definately not working on Joker. Joker is a very thing character, not squat and chubby. It would make a better Penquin as it is right now IMO.

And no disrespect, but I'm just giving my honest thoughts on this one.
Re: 1/6th Alex Ross Joker sculpt WIP better pictures

Please add me on the list. It is awesome head sculpt
I'm getting a Freddy Krueger vibe form the sculpt. I guess it's the baldness. If could be a little thinner but looks good though. I'm still on the fence right now.
Re: 1/6th Alex Ross Joker sculpt WIP better pictures

While this is a great joker head for some reason it doesn't scream Alex Ross Joker.

I think the sculpt need to be more refined.

I also have a kind of a freddy vibes out of the smile but maybe it's becaseu he's bald.

Forehead also seems too short even without hair and the brows looks too thick.
Re: 1/6th Alex Ross Joker sculpt WIP better pictures

Eyes need to be raised until where the brows are. Brows need to be raised too. Chin needs to get lowered a little. Neck looks too muscular. Forehead needs to be more dominant.

Nevertheless nice sculpt. Just not Ross Joker.