ALL SETS SHIPPED! [CLOSED] 'K' Blade Runner 2049 outfit by Yunsil / Toribox

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Re: 'K' Blade Runner 2049 outfit by Yunsil / Toribox

Does anyone know when the Blackbox figure is supposed to ship? Based on Yunsil's back orders we might be able to get one and ship her that body to tailor to? At least that means we get a little more out of buying the BB.

Or does someone know the body they used for this?

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Re: 'K' Blade Runner 2049 outfit by Yunsil / Toribox

Does anyone know when the Blackbox figure is supposed to ship? Based on Yunsil's back orders we might be able to get one and ship her that body to tailor to? At least that means we get a little more out of buying the BB.

Or does someone know the body they used for this?

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Everywhere I’ve looked, it states Q1 of 2018 for release.
Re: 'K' Blade Runner 2049 outfit by Yunsil / Toribox

Does anyone know when the Blackbox figure is supposed to ship? Based on Yunsil's back orders we might be able to get one and ship her that body to tailor to? At least that means we get a little more out of buying the BB.

We're doing an order with prototype, which costs us more, but makes sense just as a precuation against miscommunication and other unknowns.

We won't finalize the order until the BlackBox is in hand, simply because of the basic need to tailor the pants to the boots. That will of course allow us to judge the clothes on the BlackBox body, as well as the intended body.
I'm paying the deposit to Toribox myself by tomorrow so we don't lose time waiting for people.

Please start submitting your NRDs per the instructions in the first post.

Thanks. I hope we 35-40 and bring the price down!
I'm pretty new but i'm really interested in getting a set
Count me in, i will pay the deposit as soon as possible.
Thanks Star Puffs, have sent deposit. :)

mise said:
Wonderful collection!!

Star Puffs said:
That's an amazing collection Lieutenant Dan.

Wor-Gar said:
Lt. Dan's BR collection outstanding!

Need that frozen guy who said: I make you eyes!

Thanks all (and to Scott again, for making them). :D

I'm really looking forward to adding Officer K... (and Tyrell, Zhora, Leon, Chew... hopefully).
Thanks Star Puffs for championing this and paying the deposit by yourself. I sent payment to hopefully lessen that blow and encourage others to do the same!
I sent the deposit to Yun-sil as promised, so we should get a firm date for the prototype soon.

My daughter will be able to eat this week, but I do appreciate the fast deposits from people. :)